Wednesday, February 5, 2025



Pakistan police arrest 36 Ahmadis who were organising Qurbani at their homes on Bakrid, last year animals worth Rs 531 billion were sacrificed in...

While animal sacrifice is a routine practice in Pakistan during Eid, the Ahmadis are restrained from practising their Islamic rites since they are recognised as non-Muslims in Pakistan.

Pakistan: Ahmadis denied permission to offer Namaz and organise Qurbani on Bakrid, threatened with blasphemy cases

Minority Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan have been stopped from organising Qurbani and offering Namaz, even from within their houses, during the Islamic festival of Bakrid

Watch: Cow for slaughter lifted from rooftop through crane falls to death in Pakistan on Bakri Eid

Horrifying visuals have gone viral on social media where a cow being lifted through crane loses its balance and falls to its own death as people around stand and watch.

PETA India encourages Muslims to be ‘kind’ on Eid, by giving guidelines on ‘how to slaughter goats kindly’

It's surprising how on one hand, PETA India is advocating veganism, and on the other hand, it teaches 'effective' slaughtering

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