Saturday, July 27, 2024


Samjhauta Blast

How Congress created the ‘Hindu terror’ theory: A saga that started not with Malegaon blasts, but Sikh massacre of 1984

Perpetrating the theory of “Hindu extremism” is a ploy that yields political dividend for Congress

No, Kapil Sibal, despite Congress’ attempt to peddle ‘Saffron terror’ theory, we do know who is responsible for Samjhauta blasts

Unlike what Congress' Kapil Sibal would have us believe, we do have a fair idea about who is responsible for the terror attack that killed 68. The United Nations holds Arif Qasmani, a Pakistani national, responsible for the terror attack

Samjhauta Express blast: Swami Aseemanand and three other accused acquitted by NIA court

Smjhuata express blast that occurred in 2007 in Panipat Haryana had claimed the lives of 68 people including about 43 Pakistani nationals.

Rvs Mani, who exposed Congress’ ‘Hindu Terror’ plot, claims he is being threatened by goons

He has recently written a book busting the propaganda of 'Hindu terror'

Ahead of MP elections, close Rahul Gandhi aide and senior Congress leader rakes up ‘Hindu Terror’ bogey

Digvijay Singh has a flare for making statements which puts his party in precarious situations.

All accused in the Mecca Masjid blast case acquitted, Congress’ ‘Hindu Terror’ smokescreen torn apart

The NIA special court declared there is no sufficient and convincing evidence to hold them guilty

Did UPA govt let off Pakistani suspects in Samjhauta blast to further ‘Saffron Terror’ theory?

A Times Now expose has given a new dimension to the whole affair

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