Saturday, July 27, 2024


satellite launch

Over the moon: ISRO has had a fantastic year so far. Here are its accomplishments in 2023

Whether reaching the moon's south pole or studying the sun, ISRO is achieving its diverse space ambitions that too in budgets less than Hollywood sci-fi movies.

ISRO successfully launches SSLV-D2 placing EOS-07 and two other satellites in orbit: Here is all you need to know

The SSLV has the capability to launch mini, nano, or microsatellites weighing between 10 and 500 kg into a 500 km planar orbit.

ISRO successfully launches PSLV-C54 carrying an earth observation satellite along with 8 nanosatellites

ISRO launched PSLV-C54 carrying Oceansat-3 and 8 nanosatellites from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota, AP.

China inches closer to launching its own space station as the final module completes docking with Tiangong

China launched the third and final module of its space station named Tiangong space station on Monday.

India scripts history as ISRO successfully launches 36 OneWeb broadband satellites in its heaviest LVM3-M2 rocket

ISRO successfully launched 36 broadband communication satellites of a UK-based customer into the orbits with LVM3-M2 rocket

Russia removes US, UK, Japan flags from rocket carrying OneWeb satellites but keeps Indian flag, puts conditions for the launch

Russia puts condition on launch of OneWeb satellites, removes UK, US, Japan flags from rocket but keeps Indian flag

ISRO’s Earth Observation Satellite launch mission fails as the GSLV-F10 rocket failed in the third stage. Here’s what happened

The GSLV-F10 rocket failed as the Cryogenic Upper Stage ignition at the third stage of the rocket didn't happen, according to ISRO

The Hindu ‘journalist’ Suhasini Haidar puts out misinformation about ISRO satellite launch: Read details

Suhasini Haidar, National Editor of 'The Hindu', put out false information on social media in attempt to mislead the public.

Satellite developed by Indian start-up to carry Bhagavad Gita, photo of PM Modi and names of 25,000 Indians to space

The satellite will also have names of ISRO chairperson Dr K Sivan and scientific secretary Dr R Umamaheswaran etched on it.

ISRO successfully launches PSLV C-49 carrying India’s latest earth observing satellite and 9 other payloads

The PSLV launched the all-weather earth imaging satellite EOS-01 from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

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