Sunday, January 26, 2025


Shri Rama

Kannada actor and ‘activist’ Chetan Kumar Ahimsa arrested for objectionable tweet against Lord Rama and Hindutva

The arrest of Chetan Kumar has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many people expressing their opinion that the actor should be held accountable for his actions and that he should be punished for his derogatory remarks.

From breaking Murthis to Ravana Leela: Periyar’s long history of hatred towards Shri Rama and Sita

Rajnikanth's comment on Periyar has attracted intense protests and criticism from expected quarters

Lord Hanuman is not merely a benign devotee of Shri Rama, He is also a fearsome warrior

Faced by a million threats, Hindus are turning towards the warrior aspect of our Gods.

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