Sikh man who broke into Windsor Castle claims he wanted to assassinate Queen Elizabeth for Jallianwala Bagh massacre: Details
The man who tried to assassinate Queen Elizabeth has been sectioned under the UK's Mental Health Act after a mental health assessment
Sex workers in US have been accused of evading taxes, on Snapchat
From the initial reaction by the sex workers on Snapchat on #ThotAudit, it appears at least some of them are guilty of the charge.
More ‘comedians’ and social media celebs face sexual misconduct allegations after AIB guy is outed
Many women claimed that other stand up comics knew of the allegations, but still continued working with these.
AIB can’t think beyond cow, users come up with memes to help them
They soon deleted the joke from Facebook and Instagram
Did Snapchat CEO say he didn’t want to expand to poor countries like India?
Learn the truth about these comments
What’s wrong with Tanmay Bhat’s video on Sachin & Lata and what’s wrong with the reaction
Gaurav -
Freedom of speech via outrages should be used to counter distasteful jokes which can also be covered by Freedom of Speech