
Why are superstars from the Telugu movie industry glorifying Naxal terrorists? What convoluted message are they trying to send to young Indians?

Whatever the political equations of earlier decades, the reality is that Naxals are terrorists, home-grown terrorists who work against the Indian nation, inspired and aided by foreign powers.

When the State weakens, men become monsters: How long do we have till effigies turn real?

The effigy is not real, not an actual person. But while we stare at it, thousands of people are running wild all over India, declaring that they want the real…

The harsh realities of facing Islamic threats and radicalism: Why India cannot be France, China, or Israel

Some truths are hurtful. It is human nature to ignore them and pretend they do not exist. In India's case, despite being a progressive nation that is rapidly becoming an…

The debate on Marital Rape has no easy answers: Here is why the Delhi High Court gave a split verdict

Justice Shakdher stated that the legal exception provided to husbands in case of non-consensual sexual intercourse is 'steeped in misogyny' and effectively conveys that only the forced sex that happens…

Operation Paperclip: How the USA helped Nazi criminals from WWII evade justice to advance its own military ambitions

After defeating the Nazis in Germany, the USA went to great lengths to bring some of the most prominent Nazis home and spent a considerable amount of money and efforts…

‘To understand Indian thought process, it is necessary to study the Mahabharata’: Dr Jaishankar explains ‘the India way’ through the greatest story ever told

In his book 'The India Way' Dr Jaishankar explains why, for India to understand its strategies and choices, and for the world to understand India, it is necessary to study…

Festivals change, places change, what remains same is Hindu celebrations being attacked by Islamists and ‘secular-liberals’ whitewashing it with crafty excuses

Durga Puja pandals and Visarjan processions have been attacked multiple times in various Indian states. Just because they do not happen in Delhi, they have been swept away from the…

‘Attack on Hindus is their own fault, they should not exist in Muslim areas’: This is how Liberals justify violence

However, apparently, the fault lies with the Hindus, because how dare they take out a procession and play songs for their festivals? For India's 'secular liberals', Hindus should be always…

Halal certification is purely religious: Where does it stop and why is the Govt of India even allowing it

There are already existing government-specified norms, quality parameters and regulatory requirements that companies have to meet to get their products certified fit to be marketed. So why is this parallel…

Women in the Indian movie and entertainment industry: Still caged inside toxic stereotypes

We are in 2022, but our TV serials still show that the illiterate, cowering, demure, never arguing, dumb bahu is the good bahu and the good daughter, but the educated,…