Is China using the US exit from Afghanistan to expand its Belt and Road Initiative?

According to the Daily Beast, the Communist regime in China is planning to build a motorway connecting Kabul and Peshawar.

Pakistan Embassy to organize puppet show celebrating 70 years of diplomatic relations with China, netizens cannot keep calm

Pakistani Embassy will hold puppet show in China to celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations.

Disagreements emerge between China and Pakistan over CPEC project funding as Pakistan seeks concession on loan interest

The countries are facing disagreement over the ML-1 railway project and the special economic zones under the CPEC.

Massive protests erupt in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir against road construction by China to move troops

People in PoK protesting against a 33 km road from Yarkand that China is building to move its artillery and military personnel in the region

Under orders from China, Pakistan converting Gwadar into open prison by fencing Chinese projects

The CPEC authority is building a wall measuring 10 feet in height, covering the length of 30 km, has now created a massive discontent and furore in the region.

China comes to defend Pakistan after PM Modi accused the latter of harbouring terrorists

After PM Modi's remarks against Pakistan, China praised Pakistan for making positive contribution toward counter-terrorism cause

Pakistani labourers held protests in Karachi against the disparities in the salaries of Pakistani and Chinese employees working on the CPEC project

Pakistani employees have demanded a salary hike in accordance with the salaries of their Chinese counterparts in the CPEC project

Imran Khan govt in Pakistan all set to ask for a whopping USD 2.7 billion loan from China for CPEC projects

90% of the Mainline-1 railway project of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Pakistan is being financed by China

Pakistan plans to turn illegally occupied Gilgit-Baltistan into a province; the decision to benefit China and CPEC

Pakistan government have received support from all parties to convert Gilgit Baltistan into a full province of the country

Pakistan: SECP official Sajid Gondal returns after being missing for five days, questions were raised on CPEC chairperson Lt Gen (Rt) Bajwa

Joint Director of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Sajid Gondal has resurfaced after being missing for five days