
Dispatch from Israel: Understanding what Israel feels about ‘loss of lives’ in Palestine and why they may not react as the ‘liberal’ world wants

On the 7th of October 2023, Israel woke up to her worst nightmare. As the sirens blared and citizens of Israel looked for shelter, a couple of thousand Islamic terrorists…

CPM-associated port workers federation declares support for Palestine, says it will not load or unload cargo from ships carrying weapons to Israel

It is notable here that The Water Transport Workers Federation of India is affiliated with the Centre for Indian Trade Unions, the labor wing of the Communist Party of India…

Islamists claim Salman Azhari’s video was cropped and he was only talking about Palestine: How they are lying and what he said about Hindus

Salman Azhari had spoken in the context of Ram Mandir and the disputed Gyanvapi mosque and labelled Hindus as 'dogs', who somehow strayed into the ground of Muslims.

3,000 terrorists captured outside of Gaza since the start of the war: IDF

The Israel Defence Forces reported that about 3,000 terrorists outside of Gaza since the start of the war following Hamas terror attacks on October 7.

‘Clashes not about the absence of a Palestinian state but about the existence of the Jewish state’: Netanyahu rejects Palestinian state in a post-war scenario

Netanyahu further asserted that the country, under his leadership, will not stop until an absolute victory is secured in its war against Hamas terrorists.

Six pro-Palestine activists held over a plot to disrupt the London Stock Exchange in England

Metropolitan Police Detective Superintendent Sian Thomas stated, "These are significant arrests. We believe this group was prepared to carry out a disruptive and harmful prank, which might have had major…

‘Hamas can have peace in five minutes. Bring back our hostages’ – Jerusalem Deputy MayorFleur Hassan-Nahoum in conversation with OpIndia Editor-in-Chief

In discussion with OpIndia's Editor-in-Chief Nupur J Sharma, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum higlighted the grusome details of the 7th October terror attack

Pro-Palestine protestors assault police officials, damage security fences outside White House

Pro-Palestine demonstrators in the United States capital brandished signs challenging President Joe Biden's viability as a presidential candidate due to his sturdy backing for Israel in the over 100-day conflict…

‘Hamas attackers laughed as they raped and killed Israeli woman on October 7’: Eyewitness narrates the tale of Hamas’s horror

"I ran in the open field, and I was very close to some girl. When I passed her, I heard that she fell on the ground. I looked back and…

Usman Khawaja, who got reprimanded by ICC for a pro-Palestine message, attacks Keshav Maharaj for the ‘Om’ sticker on his bat

Usman Khwaja dragged Keshav Maharaj over the pro-Palestine message row for an Om sticker on the Protean cricketer's bat.