Saturday, July 27, 2024


radical islamist

Qatar, which got offended by Nupur Sharma’s remarks on the Prophet, invites radical preacher Zakir Naik who made same comments

Radical Islamic preacher Zakir Naik is in Qatar to deliver religious sermons during the FIFA World Cup 2022.

A six-month plan for defeating Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind’s violent political agenda, the root of Islamism and radicalisation in India

The clerics of Jamiat seem to think that they are smart and untouchable. But their time is up because they have insulted Islam, duped Muslims, and played a role in terrorism

Modi Govt set to blacklist radical Islamic outfit Popular front of India, Home Ministry to notify ban as intelligence agencies present dossier: Reports

Govt would soon ban notorious Islamic outfit Popular Front of India (PFI), which has been accused of violence and communal tensions

Delhi: Pakistani terrorist Ashraf Ali arrested with AK47, ammunition, and fake Indian ID cards, was living as ‘peer baba’

Ashraf Ali hails from the Punjab province of Pakistan and has been living in Delhi under a fake identity.

Jammu and Kashmir: Former Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Jameel, who has been on the run for 19 years, arrested by police

Jameel aka Dulla was associated with Hizbul Mujahideen and was wanted for 19 years in a terror case registered in 2002

Delhi riots accused Jamia ‘student’ found welcoming Taliban rule in viral audio clip on Twitter space: Here is what we know so far

A Twitter Space was organised on Sunday, India's Independence Day, to discuss if 'Muslims in India are 'free'' in which Islamists hailed Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: Taliban captures 5 major cities in just 3 days, gets control of opium smuggling routes

Ever since the US forces withdrew from Afghanistan on the orders of the Biden administration, the Taliban has been making rapid advances in the country.

Rebel Christian in Tennessee to death as Jihadi in Syria: Read the journey of American ISIS bride as her daughter prepares to return home

American girl Ariel Bradley had married an Iraqi in Sweden, moved to Syria and joined ISIS, where she died along with her second husband and a son

Pakistan: Muslim man forces Hindu boy to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’, abuse Hindu Gods

Abdul Salam Abu Dawood had uploaded the video on his Youtube channel with the caption, "Hindu torture by Muslim in Pakistan.

Sivas Massacre: When radical Islamists burnt 35 Alevi intellectuals alive in Turkey 28 years ago

In Sivas Massacre on June 2 1993, radical Islamists had attacked a gathering of Alevis in Turkey and burnt the venue with people trapped inside

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