Saturday, July 27, 2024



Harvard President Claudine Gay, who tried to give ‘context’ on genocide calls against Jews, accused of plagiarising her Ph.D. thesis

Demands are Gay's resignation are being made over her attempt to contextualise the calls for genocide of Jews on campuses at a Congressional hearing on 5th December.

Aligarh Muslim University scholar claims that his PhD degree was revoked for praising PM Modi, varsity denies allegations

AMU had asked Danish Rahim to return the 'incorrect degree' for replacement within 7 days of the issuance of the letter.

UK: University grants 80,000 pounds of public money for ‘research’ that will defend China and criticise MPs who spoke against Beijing

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, a Tory MP and IPAC member has stated that the process of the grant should be investigated.

Kanhaiya Kumar’s PhD thesis appears in a journal internationally blacklisted as a ‘predatory journal’

The globally trusted Beall’s List had mentioned that IJHEPS, where Kanhaiya’s article appeared, was a 'predatory journal'

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