Saturday, July 27, 2024
15 Articles by

Mahesh Jagga

Optimist, Right winger, Political student trapped in Business suit. Follow me at @maheshjagga

Delhi Elections: Errant, recalcitrant, spoilt Delhi needs a tough disciplinarian government

Would Delhi in these elections choose an opportunist cum obstructionist who is prone to flout rules?

BJP holds a top level meeting on job creation – leaked transcript

Sources reveal that a top-level BJP meeting held a few months back to discuss the impact of media narrative of ‘no jobs’ and find ways to counter it despite data showing that the Modi government creating almost 15 million jobs every year

Dear Mr Chidambaram, pakodewalas have shown more enterprise than your leader ever will

Why Rahul Gandhi's gang hates hardworking people

Varun Gandhi as Congress President, would have been a win-win situation for all

Varun Gandhi would have been perfect as the Congress President

How the left-liberals are helping professional killers in carrying out murders

An exclusive report that exposes how the 'intellectuals' and 'activists' are ending up helping professional assassins.

In Kapil Mishra, Arvind Kejriwal faces the toughest challenge, yet

It might appear just another made-for-television drama, but Kejriwal must be taking it way more seriously.

World mourns as Arvind Kejriwal admits mistake, decides to introspect

An AAP volunteer, still traumatized by the sense of loss, was staring at empty space in the sky.

Why the Media will never cover this sob story about demonetisation

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

This is how a politically correct surgical strike will be carried out by Indian Army

If Indian Army decided to address all the concerns of so-called liberals and opposition leaders, this is how next strike will look like.

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