Saturday, July 27, 2024



Paris: Activists throw pumpkin soup at iconic Mona Lisa painting to save the planet

The Mona Lisa has endured various attempts at vandalism over the years

Being humane is not weakness: Indian Army releases a video that shows Meitei women in Manipur helping armed insurgents flee

The video exposed how roads were being dug up to delay the movement of the Indian security forces to an Assam Rifles base.

BJP, a party made with the struggle of countless unsung activists: Here are 7 grassroots anecdotes by an unsung activist himself

These anecdotes originally penned in 2013 during the Mission272+ campaign been published on the then volunteer campaign portal. The anecdotes are reproduced below as written by him originally.

Climate activist sets himself on fire at the Laver Cup: Here are 5 occasions when climate protestors disrupted major sporting events in 2022

The disruptive protests by unruly climate activists are now increasingly drawing the ire of common people, including those who might have been sympathetic to the cause.

London: Extinction Rebellion activists enter Parliament, superglue themselves to the speaker’s chair and chain themselves to gates by necks

Extinction Rebellion activists entered Parliament building legally as tourists, and then started protests on climate crisis

‘This man roams around as a big Hindu leader, beat him’: Islamist mob assaults Bajrang Dal leader in Surat

Bajrang Dal leader assaulted in Surat for raising questions on Muslims purchasing land in sensitive areas

Greenpeace activists chain themselves to a Russian oil tanker in protest, officials clarify the oil was bought before Russian sanctions

The tanker in question was the Ust Luga tanker parked at the Aasgaardstrand harbor in Norway carrying Russian oil.

Uddhav govt sitting on Metro approvals, loans may dry up soon: How Mumbaikars are paying for Shiv Sena’s petty politics

Japanese ambassador to India, Suzuki Satoshi in a letter dated February 17, 2021, wrote to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray expressing concern over the expected ‘cash crunch’. The CM is yet to respond to it.

NGO makes Ganesha Murthi hold sanitary napkins, founder was inspired to become author after watching movie based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel

Ankit Bagdi, the founder of Anivarya, was inspired to write by the movie ‘Two States’ based on a Chetan Bhagat novel.

Tamil Nadu: DMK Govt accused of trying to trap intersex activist in false cases, human right activists condemn harassment

Gopi Shankar Madurai, in a Facebook post last week also accused the DMK government of trapping him in a false drug case.

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