Saturday, July 27, 2024


Cambridge Analytica

Congress MLA sues a YouTube channel for spreading ‘defamatory videos’ on the Gandhi family

Congress party's merciless clampdown on freedom of expression?

Can Cambridge Analytica help Congress win the 2019 elections?

Of their three planks, Cambridge Analytica is severely handicapped in two: The message and the messenger

Facebook announces third-party fact checking programme to descry fake news in poll bound Karnataka

One wonders if Facebook will partner with right-wing websites to balance the ideological scale

Rebel Congress supporter reveals how Cambridge Analytica convinced the party to be its client

The Congress had earlier denied any form of involvement with Cambridge Analytica

Full text : Interview with Jamie Bartlett, the man who exposed Congress’ links to Cambridge Analytica

An interview, which if read in the Indian context, may as well give you sleepless nights

Facebook says data of 87 million users might have been leaked to Cambridge Analytica

The numbers are much higher than the previously estimated 50 million

Cambridge Analytica was to help Congress ‘when it faces its first existential challenge at the 2019 Lok Sabha’?

Open Magazine claims to be in possession of documents that suggest the same.

There is a reason the mainstream media wants you to remain uneducated about the truth

There is a good reason to believe that mainstream English newspapers in India keep masses uneducated. Most of it stems from bias. A lot...

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