Saturday, July 27, 2024



City of Newark says it was scammed into becoming a sister city with Kailasa: Here’s what we know about Swami Nityananda and his “nonexistent...

The City of Newark recently admitted that it was scammed into becoming a sister city of Kailasa.

Rahul Gandhi is God for Congress and its workers: Pramod Krishnam says Obama should admit he is a ‘Modi Bhakt’ after his remarks

After Barack Obama made some scathing comments against Rahul Gandhi in his new book, Congress leader like Pramod Krishnam are rather distressed

Bilaspur: Mohammad Sharif tried to rape a woman under the pretext of exorcism, arrested

Mohammad Sharif, an absconding fake 'healer' who had allegedly tried to rape a woman under the garb of exorcism, arrested after a month.

Police arrest Md Ismail gets for duping Coronavirus patients, media gives it a ‘Hindu spin’ by calling him ‘fake baba’

Cyberabad police have arrested Mohammed Ismail, a 50-year-old godman, for claiming to treat Coronavirus patients

Asif Khan alias ‘Ashu Maharaj’ made a fortune cheating people and now faces charges of rape

Reports have claimed that Asif Khan used to repair punctures in JJ Colony area

Read how Times of India turned godman ‘Asif Noori’ into a Hindu sadhu

This is not the first time Times of India has tried to show Hindu sadhus in a bad light

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