Saturday, July 27, 2024



Manchester Police arrests 4 Muslim community members for brutally assaulting 3 airport staff and a police officer, viral video used to peddle ‘Islamophobia’ claims

The video of action by Manchester Police after the attack is being used by Islamists to claim Islamophobia saying that the Police assaulted them because they are Muslims.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, which defended & provided legal support to terror accused, now wants a special law to legitimise their violent opposition to criticism: The...

Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind urged the Government of India to introduce comprehensive legislation to address the so-called Islamophobia in the country

Dossier on Poll meddling: Documents reveal foreign funding and how the same lobby worked on amplifying caste narrative since 2021 – Report

The dossier notes that several prominent academics, researchers, and educational institutions were also involved in this. It also points out that the entire caste narrative was then picked up and propagated among the political circles. 

Religiophobia against Non-Abrahamic faith must be acknowledged: India opposes special UN envoy for Islamophobia, abstains from Pakistan’s resolution

India categorically asserted that it is time for the UN body to acknowledge the prevalence of religiophobia beyond Abrahamic faiths

Amid rise of anti-semitism in US, Biden administration gives in to blackmailing by Muslim groups, announces national strategy to combat Islamophobia

In a press statement on Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine-Jeane Pierre said: "We look forward continuing our work with community leaders, advocates, members of Congress, and more to develop the strategy – which will be a joint effort led by the Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council – and counter the scourge of Islamophobia and hate in all its forms."

Former Apple employee from Karnataka alleges ‘Islamophobia’, Media plays it up without highlighting these important details: Here is what happened

A man called Khalid Parvez from Bangalore, Karnataka, who claims to be a former employee of Apple, took to LinkedIn to claim that he had quit the company because of Islamophobia

Media, Rana Ayyub spread propaganda against Hindus: How Imran hitting Hindu LPG delivery man with chappal was turned into a case of ‘Islamophobia’

Rana Ayyud, HindutvaWatch and others indulge in anti-Hindu propaganda to whitewash Imran's assault on Hindu devotee Gurrala Lingam ‘Swami’ with chappal

Leicester violence fame Majid Freeman tweets 2021 Ghaziabad fake hate crime incident, which was shared by Mohd Zubair, to defame India & Hindus

Majid Freeman shared the video of the 2021 Ghaziabad fake hate crime case where a petty quarrel was given a communal colour to malign Jai Shri Ram.

Communists to burn effigy of Yogi Adityanath at JNU in support and memory of gangster Atiq Ahmed

Left-wing student body All India Students’ Association (AISA) to burn effigy of Yogi Adityanath in memory of Atiq Ahmed

Usual victim playing: Jamiat-Ulema-i-Hind, which often protects terror accused, demands law specifically to protect the Muslim community, cries Islamophobia

Islamic outfit Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind, which often protects terror accused, demanded a separate law to protect the Muslim community

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