Saturday, July 27, 2024


Lutyens media

Research Scholar slams the western media and academia for its bias against Indian ‘rightwing’

He also criticized 'Indian thought leaders' who create a false image about India in the West.

Operation 136 : What the Cobrapost stings reveal and conceal

The question of corruption may be answered, but as mentioned earlier, is this ideological corruption or purely financial corruption?

Rahul Gandhi : The serial misleader

In the end, Truth triumphs but Lies get their turn first.

Of digital media, censorship, regulation and freedom

Any regulation that can just as easily morph into a tool of censorship must be opposed

People slam journalist who suggested the BJP is politicizing rape in Assam

The journalist was slammed for his hypocrisy.

Is a section of media trying to protect the Congress from any exposure to Cambridge Analytica?

Is there is an urgent need to absolve Congress from its alleged link to Cambridge Analytica ?

If Modi gave a Obama-esque speech at a 7 RCR Correspondents Dinner

What Modi would say if he were to deliver a speech like Obama

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