Saturday, July 27, 2024


Moon landing mission

ISRO brings back Chandrayan-3 propulsion module to Earth’s orbit from the lunar orbit, demonstrating capability for future sample return missions

"In another unique experiment, like the hop experiment on the Vikram Lander, the Propulsion Module (PM) of Chandrayaan-3 was moved from an orbit around the Moon to an orbit around Earth," the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) stated in its official release.

As the landing point of Chandrayaan-3 gets named the ‘Shiv Shakti Point’, read how the moon became an ornament of Lord Shiva

Shiva personally adorned the crescent moon on his head, signifying the essence of the celestial body and enhancing its splendour.

Touchdown point of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon will be called ‘Shiv Shakti’, announces PM Modi

PM Modi's announcement was greeted with applause by the ISRO scientists.

ISRO announces all activities on Chandrayaan-3 are on schedule and all systems normal, read details of the systems turned on

ISRO has said that several systems of the Chandrayaan-2 mission have been turned on and they are working as expected

Unable to digest success of the Indian moon mission Chandrayaan 3, naysayers resort to calling it fake

On August 23, Wednesday, at 18:04 hours, India scripted history as the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft accomplished a precise landing on the uncharted southern extremity of the moon

Chandrayaan 3: Pragyan rover begins excursion on the lunar surface, to conduct two key experiments over the next 14 days

With this, ISRO has achieved two of the three main objectives of the Chandrayaan-3 mission which include demonstrating Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface, Rover roving on the moon, and conducting in-situ scientific experiments.

India on the Moon: The significance of the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3 and Pragyan rover’s moonwalk on the lunar surface

With Chandrayaan-3's successful landing on the Moon, ISRO has written a new chapter in India's space odyssey.

Geologist Eugene Shoemaker is the only person whose ashes have been dispersed on the Moon: Read how NASA paid tribute to a scientist

Shoemaker, who himself could have become the first geologist-astronaut to join the Apollo moon flight, however, could not turn his moon dream into a reality as he was diagnosed with Addison's disease.

Humanity’s Moonshots: As India’s Chandrayaan-3 nears touchdown, here are previous moon landing missions accomplished by Russia, USA, and China

The urge to get connected to the Moon began in the year 1958 when the United States first sent spacecraft named Pioneer 0 beyond the Earth's orbit.

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