Saturday, July 27, 2024



From ‘hospital in place of Ram Mandir’ to wearing Hindu identity on sleeve: Hindutva as response to Left Liberal and deep Nehruvian State

Hindutva essentially means “Hindu + Tattva” which roughly translates as “soul and existence of Hinduism”. In today’s time we consider Hindutva as Hinduism which resists.

Nehru lost Nepal by rejecting King Tribhuvan’s offer to make it a province of India, Pranab Mukherjee in autobiography

Pranab Mukherjee in his memoirs 'The Presidential Years', which is slated to release in January 2021, recounts his days from remote village in Bengal to becoming President of India.

Watch: The 1948 Calcutta Maidan speech of Sardar Patel that busts the myth of ‘Muslims chose India’ and is relevant even today

Sardar Patel, in his iconic speech at Calcutta Maidan, busted an enduring myth of Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb.

Did you know? 1962 Sino-India war could have been avoided had former PM Nehru paid heed to professional military advice

Nehru and his government had ignored warnings by the Indian Army about a possible Chinese aggression, says 2012 report by Gaurav Sawant.

Nightmare of Nehruism – a ‘tribute’ to Jawahar Lal Nehru by Sita Ram Goel

Excerpts from the book "How I became a Hindu" by Sita Ram Goel in which he talks about how he felt about independent India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Nehruism.

Marxist historians like Romila Thapar did present a ‘rose tinted’ version of Hindu-Muslim unity in Nehruvian textbooks: William Dalrymple admits

William Dalrymple said that history books written in the 1950s left sufficient room for questioning their authenticity. 

Amit Shah at 55: A man whose historic political journey was full of tough decisions and the inevitable successor to PM Modi

Amit Shah over the years has emerged as Narendra Modi's most trusted lieutenant.

The Rebel and The King: The similarities and fundamental differences between Narendra Modi and Donald Trump

All the similarities and fundamental differences between Donald Trump and Narendra Modi can be summed up under the paradigm of The Rebel and The King.

Will the Indian State push Hindus to react like Muslims to have their religious sentiments and interests be protected?

Historically, the Indian State has treated Muslims as a special class and continues to treat them as such.

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