Saturday, July 27, 2024



CRPF jawan caught for drinking liquor dies in custody in Bihar

Family says that doctors had advised the jawan to consume liquor as he was posted at high altitude for long time.

A brief history of prohibition in India

Many states in India have experimented with prohibition till date

Why some people support prohibition and why it finds political backing

Prohibition is a bad idea, yet it finds political as well as popular support. What causes it?

The outrage that was not – legal sharaab vs illegal kabab

A comparative analysis of liquor ban in Bihar and illegal slaughterhouse shutdown in Uttar Pradesh

Bihar’s liquor war: Prisoners of prohibition and the conspiracy of silence

Thousands of people have been arrested in Bihar due to the draconian laws, but it has generated little debate.

Boy killed amid caste tensions as prohibition in Bihar starts showing ugly side

People clash violently on caste lines in Patna after a college student was killed allegedly by liquor mafia.

Nitish doesn’t want his Bureaucrats to drink but why spare the MLAs?

Nitish government has brought in an order to prevent his officials from drinking anywhere in the world

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