On Tuesday, Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, said in an election rally in Delhi’s Kirari that the AIMIM chief Asauddin Owiais will also one day be seen reciting Hanuman Chalisa like the AAP supremo, Arvind Kejriwal.
#WATCH UP CM Yogi Adityanath at a rally in Kirari, Delhi: Abhi toh Kejriwal ji ne Hanuman Chalisa hi padhni shuru ki hai, aap dekhna aage aage hota kya hai, Owaisi bhi ek din Hanuman Chalisa ka paath padhta dikhai dega. pic.twitter.com/OB5mhhQhD9
— ANI (@ANI) February 4, 2020
He reiterated his Briyani jibe and added that those who served Biriyani to the Anti-CAA lobby in Shaheen Bagh are now reciting the Holy Hindu scriptures. Adityanath’s comments come at the backdrop of the News 18 event wherein Kejriwal was seen reciting the Hanuman Chalisa.
क्या आपने हनुमान चालीसा सुना है? जरूर सुनिए। मन को बहुत शांति मिलती है pic.twitter.com/niyUOxCEFu
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) February 3, 2020
Yogi Adityanath also talked about Delhi’s poor infrastructure, improper roads and dysfunctional drainage system. He also highlighted the success of BJP’s welfare schemes and stressed on the sound law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh under his governance. Adityanath also alleged that the protests that were being held against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) were merely an excuse for venting their anger against the abrogation of Article 370.
Earlier, the Aam Aadmi Party wrote a letter to the Election Commission, seeking a ban on the UP CM and the Gorakh Peethadhishwar Yogi Adityanath from addressing any political rallies in the run-up to Delhi elections. The election gimmick of reciting the Hanuman Chalisa to win over Hindu voters, however, did not sit well on the AAP convenor after Islamists took to Twitter to vent their outrage against it.
Yogi Adityanath and the BJP has been alleging that the Shaheen Bagh protests are orchestrated by AAP, with support from other opposition parties. AAP leader Amanatullah Khan was seen in many anti-CAA protests too.