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Dear woke people, see the connection between Chinese aggression and ‘liberal’ anger on Article 370

As China gets more aggressive, India is pushed closer to Western powers. Every editorial in China’s state run Global Times warns India not to get close to America. It’s China’s biggest fear.

This is the report from the New York Times, the spokesperson of the global establishment. They are clearly putting the blame on India for aggravating China! And what is the basis for their claim? Amit Shah’s speech on Art 370 in Parliament, where he asserted India’s position that PoK and Aksai Chin belong to India.

NYTimes reporting on Amit Shah vowing to take back Aksai Chin

And just like that, you can now see the straight line that connects Chinese aggression and liberal anger over CAA and abrogation of Article 370.

Did the connection drawn by the New York Times surprise you?

And with this, the real fangs of the anti-CAA campaign and the liberal anger over Art 370 have emerged. They made it look like an internal political tussle. It was a propaganda trick. Did you fall for it?

Think about it. As China gets more aggressive, India is pushed closer to Western powers. Every editorial in China’s state run Global Times warns India not to get close to America. It’s China’s biggest fear.

The West may have no particular love for India, but they do understand one simple thing. A democratic India is better than authoritarian China. They may not be thrilled about India’s rise, but they do not fear it.

So what does China need here? They need the world to start believing that India is also an authoritarian state. They want the world to think that India is ruled by a tyrannical Prime Minister, inspired by Nazism.

And who was serving this poison to Western audiences? Now you can make sense of the vicious anti-India campaign that swept across global newspapers, think tanks and campuses in the last 6-9 months. Now you see who was *really* pulling the strings. Now you see why they morphed the “Om” symbol into a Nazi hooked cross.

Maybe you got caught up in this rhetoric. After all, the liberal celebrities talked about all things nice: sensitivity, inclusion, human rights. They sang revolutionary poems and offered flowers to uniformed policemen. As and when the violent elements pelted stones at policemen or doctors, the stories were quickly buried by media.

Maybe you thought these people were fighting for justice after all. If they weren’t, why would big-name newspapers and college campuses across the world be so sympathetic to them? Why would photos of the protesters receive big-name international prizes?

Sadly, the world is a bad place. Big media and big prizes can be bought and sold for a handful of $$$. There are billionaires who pledged special funds to take down Modi. These billionaires made their fortune taking down economies from the UK to South America. India was just another target for them. And as for big-name US universities, sometimes they ‘forget’ to disclose billions of $$$ in ‘gifts’ from Saudi Arabia and China. Sometimes, their top-ranked academics have secret agreements with the Chinese military, receiving thousands of dollars a month to run secret labs in China. Sometimes in the same city where the Coronavirus emerged.

People can be much more evil than you think. Dear woke people, it is time to wake up.

This is not to talk down to you. Many generations of young people have been taken in by this rhetoric. In the early 70s, young students across Bengal were fired up with dreams of a Communist revolution. When the Communists came to power, there were 28000 political murders in the next 20 years. This is the official figure given by the Communist Home Minister on the floor of Bengal Assembly. Imagine what the real number was.

Let me break down that number of 28,000 for you. Spread over 20 years, that works out to four murders a day. Still, think this rhetoric is about offering roses to armed policemen or singing Faiz’s poetry?

It sounds romantic but is always soaked in blood of innocents. That’s the truth.

On April 13, 1975, the New York Times reported from Phnom Penh as Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia. The headline read: “For most, a better life.” At Harvard University campus, students were overjoyed. An editorial in the Harvard Crimson put it thus:

The capture of Phnom Penh last week by the Khmer Rouge is a victory for the Cambodian people over the corrupt Lon Nol regime and the imperialist American policies that supported it.

How much of these sentiments were due to foolishness and how much was due to corruption? We will never know. What we do know is that the Khmer Rouge went on to slaughter 20 lakh people.

So don’t feel bad if you were swept up by the anti-CAA rhetoric or the cries against the abrogation of Article 370. Instead, go back and carefully analyze the incentives of the media, intellectual and Instagram celebrities who led you there. Ask yourself: is there one among them who wouldn’t sell out their country for a million dollars?

Did you notice: leaving behind their foot soldiers in the freezing cold of Shaheen Bagh, their media champions went to vacation in Europe, America and Australia in December of last year? Do you think they were sincere in their commitment to the supposed cause of the protests? Didn’t they say the Indian nation was in mortal danger? Do you think Chandrasekhar Azad ever said to people: you hold the line against the British Raj while I go on a five-star tour of Paris? No, because real patriots like Azad sacrificed everything, including their lives.

Now look at the media, intellectual and Instagram celebrities who are asking you to join in the movement against CAA or abrogation of Article 370. While babies die in the cold of Shaheen Bagh, these people are making a fortune.

Who is paying for it?

Think about it. If they did care about human rights, would they be so against the persecuted Hindus of Pakistan? They talk about caste all the time and how committed they are to addressing caste injustices. Good. But how many backward caste faces do you see in the ranks of media intellectuals? Not that India is unjust to its religious minorities, but if these people cared about religious minorities, wouldn’t they speak out against real injustices in Pakistan? How many articles have you read in foreign media on the problem of Hinduphobia in Pakistan or Bangladesh?

The anger over CAA and abrogation of Art 370 was a setup. The strings were being pulled from somewhere else. The aim was to turn the world … and the Indian youth against India. So that India looks just as bad as the authoritarian aggressor.

If they care so much about India, why did they not shed one tear for our jawans in Pulwama? Instead, do you remember how they tinkled champagne glasses, made jokes about “56 inch” and raised slogans of “Hows the Jaish?” On the odd occasion, their cup of wine flowed over and spilt on to Facebook, where everyone could see it. Then, their employers saved face by sending them on a few weeks leave. Ha!

They are doing the same right now even as we face aggression on the LAC. The same jokes about 56 inch, the same barely concealed glee. People of India rejected them. Pakistan could not help them. Now they look to China to humiliate Modi.

Woke people need to wake up and smell the anti-India cauldron. Because it stinks so bad.

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Abhishek Banerjee
Abhishek Banerjee
Abhishek Banerjee is a columnist and author.  

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