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HomeNews ReportsSudarshan News case: Dalit activist Sanjiv Newar to file intervention petition in Supreme Court...

Sudarshan News case: Dalit activist Sanjiv Newar to file intervention petition in Supreme Court after his comments were portrayed as ‘hate speech’

Author and activist Madhu Kishwar also filed an intervention petition in the Supreme Court claiming that her comments were ‘mischievously’ presented as evidence of hate speech

On Wednesday, Dalit activist Sanjeev Newar tweeted that he would file an intervention petition in the apex Court in the Sudarshan TV case. He stated that his comments during the ‘UPSC Jihad’ show on the channel were misinterpreted and dubbed as ‘hate speech’ and ‘fake information’ in the petition filed against the telecast of the show.

Sanjeev tweeted, “I am filing an intervention petition in Supreme Court in Sudarshan News Tv case since the definition of Zakat as reproduced by me in show from Islamic texts has been portrayed as hate speech and fake information. Would like to ask if these texts are hate speech. My advocate is Shashank Shekhar Jha.”

He also pointed out how his comments about the menace of the infiltration of Rohingyas in the country were also dubbed as ‘hate speech’. Sanjeev Newar wrote, “Similarly, my concern over Rohingya infiltration as reproduced from government statements has also been classified as hate speech. “

Madhu Kishwar moves Supreme Court

On Wednesday, author and activist Madhu Kishwar also informed on Twitter that she has filed an intervention petition in the Supreme Court in Sudarshan TV ‘UPSC Jihad’ case. She claimed that her comments, during the show, were ‘mischievously’ presented as evidence of hate speech. Madhu Kishwar tweeted, “I’ve filed an Intervention petition in SC in Sudarshan TV case since a shoddy translation of small snippets of my comments on ‘UPSC Jihad’ during Sudarshan TV debate have been mischievously presented in SC as evidence of hate speech.”

The Sudarshan TV case

Hindi news channel Sudarshan News triggered an outrage after it aired a promo for a program which was to be broadcast on 28 August. Sudarshan News chief editor Suresh Chavhanke had informed that the channel is analysing the sudden increase in the number of Muslims selected in various posts in administrative and police services in the country, along with an increase in marks obtained by Muslim candidates as compared with others. However, this triggered Muslim activists and cases were filed to halt the broadcast.

After Delhi High Court stayed the airing of the show, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting gave a nod to broadcast the same. However, the Supreme Court later passed an order restraining the telecast of the program.

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