Friday, January 3, 2025


Hindu Taliban

Islamist whitewashing guide rule #786: Perpetuate a ‘Dara Hua Musalman’ mahaul to further ‘Hindu Taliban’ narrative on Janmashtami

Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today posted a tweet insinuating that discrimination against Muslim has risen in the country

Joe Biden leaves Afghans to the Taliban, but Indian liberals trust him to protect humanitarian values

The United States is leaving Afghanistan, with the final date for total withdrawal set for September 11, 2021.

Deluded ramblings of a Hinduphobic mind: Anish Kapoor and his ‘fascist’, ‘Hindu Taliban’ accusations against PM Modi, support for Teesta Setalvad

Anish Kapoor called the BJP 'Hindu Taliban' in his latest column on The Guardian, compared PM Modi to Aurangzeb.

IAS officer who shamed India now blames Indian media for being sceptical about Imran Khan

After calling India as 'Rapistan', Faesal now wants Indians to sing praises for Taliban supporter Imran Khan

‘North Korean channel’ to ‘Hindu Pak’: Insults used by seculars put focus on their own crimes

In a bid to insult Hindus and Modi and even India, Congress seems to use the most self-defeating arguments

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