Saturday, July 27, 2024


radical islam

Sufi Islamic Board says PFI operates on instructions of Al-Qaeda, instigating Indian Muslims to become radicals

Sufi Islamic Board had also alleged that the PFI is backed by terrorist organisations and is running 'schools' to radicalise Muslim youths to carry out jihad.

‘Don’t invite girls on stage’: Kerala Maulvi lashes out at fellow clerics for inviting a meritorious girl on stage to receive an award

When the class 10 student named Mashida was called on stage to receive the prize for topping her class, senior cleric MT Abdulla Musaliyar walked towards the place where the girl was felicitated and reprimanded the fellow clerics for inviting "a girl on stage".

Viral video from Karnataka: Amidst chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘Naara e Takbeer’, Muslim group declares Kavalande village as ‘Chhota Pakistan’ on Eid

Following the incident, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday said he would ask the Superintendent of Police there to look into the matter and take necessary action.

Kerala: Ex-Muslim Askar Ali attacked, assaulted by mob for quitting Islam, faces threats from own community

Askar Ali, who had recently renounced Islam, has filed an attempt to murder case with the Kollam police against a mob comprising of Muslims who allegedly kidnapped and manhandled him.

How former Congress IT cell head’s ‘fan page’ ended up being Islamist propaganda page which is regularly promoted by the terror apologists

The OpIndia investigation has revealed that the Maktoob media's Facebook page may have been created by the supporters of the Congress party in 2017.

PFI members created a hitlist, more than 100 BJP and RSS activists were shortlisted: How the list was found during RSS activist’s murder investigation

More than 100 BJP and RSS activists' names in Kerala have been shortlisted for murder by members of the radical Islamic organisation PFI

Who is Ilhan Omar, the controversial US Congresswoman who tried to legitimize Pakistan’s control over occupied Kashmir

For years now, Omar has indulged in propagating anti-India narratives, especially targeting the Narendra Modi government

A six-month plan for defeating Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind’s violent political agenda, the root of Islamism and radicalisation in India

The clerics of Jamiat seem to think that they are smart and untouchable. But their time is up because they have insulted Islam, duped Muslims, and played a role in terrorism

Media reports about a meeting on banning PFI are inaccurate, says the Ministry of Home Affairs

A few days ago, there were reports in the media that the centre was considering a ban the radical Islamic organisation PFI

Hijab gains centre stage in French presidential elections, contender Marine Le Pen pledges to ban headscarf in France if she wins

The hijab grabbed centre stage in the presidential campaign of France on Friday, as contender Marine Le Pen sought to outlaw them in the country.

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