Saturday, July 27, 2024


radical islam

Germany bans Islamic Centre Hamburg for pursuing radical Islam: Read about its links with Iran and Hezbollah

Germany banned Islamic Centre Hamburg, one of the oldest Islamic centres in the country, for pursuing radical Islam.

Hostile Maldives? Indian tourists assaulted, Israeli woman kicked out as tiny Island nation sinks deep into Islamic radicalisation

The Maldives Parliament recently unanimously voted on a resolution condemning Israeli aggression on Palestine, thus prohibiting the entry of Israeli passport holders and the import of Israeli-made goods.

Rampant violence rocks schools in France during Ramzan, report highlights how Islamists are targetting people for not following Quranic principals

Céline Imart, number two on the Les Républicains list for the European elections, reportedly mentioned that in a middle school in her area in France, a student prevented a teacher from drinking a glass of water because it was Ramzan

Backward, intolerant: France deports radical Tunisian Imam for referring to French flag as “Satanic” and “of no value to Allah”

France recently expelled a Tunisian Muslim cleric after he was arrested over allegations of radicalism, and making unacceptable remarks about the French flag.

France, Germany implement new policy to stop entry of foreign-funded imams, may deport them in a bid to combat radicalism and separatism

Those foreign-funded imams residing in France will possibly be subject to deportation whereas those who want to stay back will have to switch to being paid by a French Muslim association instead of receiving money from overseas.

Bus conductor Harikesh Vishwakarma – whom Lareb Hashmi tried to behead for ‘blasphemy’ – hails from a poor family, colleagues paying hospital bills, Hashmi...

Ram Shiromani Vishwakarma said that he did not know what was the reason for such brutality shown by Lareb Hashmi against his son.

Islamic preacher and terror fugitive Zakir Naik’s Nigeria visit causes uproar in the African country, citizens call out his hateful and criminal antecedents

After learning about his visit to Nigeria, many Nigerians issued a public appeal to the authorities asking them to stop his visit to the country. For this, they asserted that he could incite religious "disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred" through his religious sermons which they noted have been reflected in the early part of his visit.

Dominic Martin, who took responsibility for Kerala blast, accuses Jehova’s Witness’ of having ‘anti-national beliefs’ which incidentally match radical Islam

Some beliefs held by Jehova's Witnesses, who consider themselves as Christians, bear stark resemblance to radical Islam as do most Abrahamic religions.

‘Muslims constitute 30% of male prisoners in Britain, Muslim gangs in prisons are forcing conversion and radicalisation’: Report 

The report adds that Qurans were left on the beds of the new prisoners and they were given the choice to either “convert or get hurt”. 

Maharashtra ATS finds book named ‘365 Days: Through A Thousand Cuts’ from PFI members, unravels agenda to bring India under Islamic rule

The ATS further revealed that the arrested members of the PFI had a long-term plan to make India an Islamic state.

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