Saturday, July 27, 2024



Woman alleges being assaulted and raped in Tripura for ‘daring’ to leave the CPM

A lot of violence has been reported against the BJP workers in the state

Muslim woman deletes Facebook account after rape threats by Islamists, Communist says not as bad as Khap threatening women

The instance is an example of how the leftists and so-called liberals become apologists of Islamists.

Congress MLA booked for rape of journalism student

Congress MLA Hemant Katare has been booked on charges of rape and abduction of a 21 year old girl

Dear pseudo-feminists, wake up from the narcotic of hypocrisy : For you to be women, you need to be human first

Millions of women are suffering worldwide while pseudo-feminists are busy virtue signalling

Lack of comprehension skills or deliberate misquoting? Swara Bhaskar plays victim card

Same charade every time their hypocrisy gets called out.

Shameful: AAP leader refers to raped women as ‘soiled’

Takes tremendous amount of insensitivity to say such a thing and not be remorseful

Woman forced to marry her rapist by the village panchayat, later gets Triple Talaq

This comes ahead of the Parliament session where the Triple Talaq bill may be tabled

How sexual predators camouflage and waltz around as ‘liberals’

Concept of consent seems alien to crusaders of consent.

Journalist uses rape analogy for Bhansali inviting Karni Sena to watch Padmavat, gets flak

She compared violence by Karni Sena to a woman getting raped.

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