Saturday, July 27, 2024



Here is what happens when a millennial Bengali, raised in a Communist family, reads “How I Became a Hindu” by Sita Ram Goel

I just finished reading my first Sita Ram Goel book, the famous 'How I Became A Hindu' with its original chapters written in 1982 and the last chapter specifically on the “Nightmare of Nehruism” added by Goel in 1993

Mamata Banerjee is all set to marry Socialism in the presence of Communism, Leninism, Marxism. Read details

Communism is a practising lawyer, while his two siblings - Socialism and Leninism, run a silver anklet manufacturing unit in Salem. Socialism is the youngest of the three siblings. Both Communism and Leninism are married, and the latter has a son named Marxism.

Ex-CEO of Rajya Sabha TV draws a ludicrous comparison between free vaccinations in the past with COVID-19 immunisation: Here’s why he is wrong

Gurdeep Singh Sappal, the former CEO of Rajya Sabha TV and a Congress loyalist, ranted against nominal price of COVID-19 vaccines charged at private vaccination centres

BJP govt must be careful about ecosystem trying to engineer price rises

BJP government needs to watch out about what comes next. The so called “age of controls” may be over, but the mentality of that era might not be.

Former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov exposes the four stages of a Communist takeover of a country in rare 1984 interview

Yuri Bezmenov was in love with India so much so that he did not want the country to be 'irreparably damaged' under the Soviet influence.

Coronavirus crisis gives us a unique opportunity to evaluate the path between Socialism and Capitalism – The Third Way

The present Coronavirus pandemic and the resultant crisis has given us a unique opportunity to review and reassess the existing system

By changing the Preamble of the Constitution, Indira Gandhi had destroyed democracy, in the words of Ambedkar

Ambedkar had said that policy of the govt cannot be laid down in the Preamble because that is destroying democracy altogether

Marxist Kavita Krishnan lies about Karl Marx, says the son of a lawyer came from an extremely poor family

Karl Marx was born into a wealthy family and his father was lawyer, but Kavita Krishnan says he came from an extremely poor family

Facts, No Fiction: Socialists must realise, there are no free lunches

With the election season in full swing, I am reminded of the famous phrase “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”. As...

Most ‘Marxist thinkers’ use Marx without really understanding his academic legacy

Some of my professors have advocated for the comprehensive view that Marx takes of the society and accept that he is more of a social thinker than an economist.

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