Saturday, July 27, 2024



‘Muslim women should not be given tickets’: Congress candidate Farah Naeem quits party, says her image was tarnished by party leader

"As long as people like Omkar Singh are part of the Congress, I cannot remain there," Farah Naeem told ANI.

Hyderabad: Restaurant denies entry to Muslim woman for wearing Hijab, online Islamists abuse her for visiting a place that serves liquor and pork

A Muslim woman revealed that she was denied entry to a restaurant for wearing Hijab, but Islamists slam for visiting a place that serves liquor and pork

Congress takes off where Alt News left: Rahul Gandhi peddles fake ‘hate crime’ to further ‘Dara Hua Musalman’ narrative

Remember that Ghaziabad incident of fake hate crime where elderly Muslim man claimed he was 'beaten up' for not chanting Jai Shri Ram? Rahul Gandhi used it for propaganda

Pakistan: Job vacancy for sanitary workers only limited to ‘non-Muslims’, discriminatory ad sparks outrage

Pakistani Hindu rights activists questioned as to why such menial jobs are allocated to non-Muslims specifically.

‘Preachers lead lavish lives while teaching poor to stay poor’: Pasmanda activist Faiyaz Ahmad Fyzie about casteism in Muslim community and Tablighi Jamaat

Activist Faiyaz Ahmad Fyzie speaks on his past association with Tablighi Jamaat, caste, class discrimination among Muslims and the blind 'secularism' in India that fails to address the issues.

US woman removed from American Airlines flight for harassing fellow passenger and violating safety norms, plays Muslim card

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh had confronted a 'white man' who was allowed to go ahead of her in a line because he was 'pre-check' and did not need to remove shoes for security check.

Shia Muslims take to Twitter to share how they faced harassment and hatred in Sunni-majority Pakistan

On Friday, thousands of Sunni extremists hit the streets of Karachi to lead anti-Shia protests, thereby escalating tensions between the two Islamic sects and sparking fears of a series of violent events.

After Air Force wrote a letter against Netflix movie, Gunjan Saxena says no gender bias experienced by her in the IAF

Gunjan Saxena said that the Indian Air Force is an organisation with strong cultural and moral ethos and it did not perpetuate gender discrimination

US Justice Dept accuses Yale University of discrimination against Asian Americans and White applicants in their admission process

The US Justice Department has accused Yale University of violating the federal civil rights by discriminating against White and Asian Americans in its admission procedure.

Five forms of apartheid that were wiped out when Article 370 was removed

It will be a year since Article 370 was abrogated and Jammu & Kashmir finally became an integral part of India without any riders attached.

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