Saturday, July 27, 2024



Pakistan has started a war, and it is winning it. But you can fight back

Pakistan has activated the fifth column in India, and its strategy is working. Read how you can spot it.

Army Chief attacked for talking tough against those who help terrorists in Kashmir

Gen Rawat's statement was twisted, and twisted very dangerously by some politicians and some in media.

5 reasons why we liberals must boycott Dangal

A 'Liberal from New Delhi' writes why he is unhappy with Dangal. Satire, or maybe not.

Narendra Modi has forgotten the 2014 elections, and this is why he has done that

Modi haters and supporters both discuss 2014 elections intensely, but perhaps Modi doesn’t care.

The Hindu blames Hindu groups only for a conference stopped by various groups

A conference of ‘atheists’ was opposed by various political & religious groups, but The Hindu highlighted only ‘Hindutva’.

Talk about Dalits, reach out to Modi haters, use Media – Pakistan’s new Kashmir policy

Pakistan is now openly calling to ally with Modi haters in India to weaken India on international front.

4 reactions by ‘liberals’ around Kashmir issue, and the narratives being planned

The reactions are part of a well thought of strategy that will hurt India and benefit Pakistan in the long run.

Congress brings back Soft Hindutva

By embracing "soft hindutva", Congress is trying break the Hindu-Dalit-OBC coalition built by Modi in 2014. Will this tactic work?

Mumbai or Bombay – The Independent’s stunt

A poorly thought, lazy exhibit of liberalism

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