Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday called efforts to contain the Wuhan Coronavirus a war against China. The Aam Aadmi Party supremo said that India is currently waging two wars against one China, one at the border in Ladakh and another against the virus that has its origins in China. He assured citizens that we will win both the wars.
आज हम चीन के ख़िलाफ़ दो युद्ध लड़ रहे हैं – भारत चीन बॉर्डर पर और चीन से आए वाइरस के ख़िलाफ़। हमारे 20 वीर जवान पीछे नहीं हटे। हम भी पीछे नहीं हटेंगे और दोनों युद्ध जीतेंगे।
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) June 22, 2020
“Our doctors, nurses, and soldiers are all fighting and the people of the country are standing beside them. The entire country has to fight at both the fronts united. This should not be politicised. We have to fight against China and coronavirus,” Arvind Kejriwal added.
“We have increased the testing to three times compared to before. Earlier, around 5,000 tests were being conducted per day, now around 18,000 tests are being conducted per day. Now people will not face any issues in getting tested,” the Delhi Chief Minister added.
The statement comes days after Indian troops clashed with soldiers of the PLA at Galwan Valley along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). While India lost 20 of its men, there is a consensus that China lost a lot more troops than that without gaining anything. The Prime Minister in his address had confirmed that the Indian troops attained martyrdom while paying back in kind.
Arvind Kejriwal is likely to have irked China as well since the Chinese government does not appreciate people linking the origins of the virus to their country. It has gone to great lengths to cover up its terrible mishandling of the crisis. However, their attempts have largely been unsuccessful thus far. Only recently, US President Donald Trump had called the virus ‘Kung Flu’.