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Over 150 madarsas and 200 mosques mushroom within 15-kilometre radius, rapid demographical shift in villages along UP-Nepal border: Ground report

According to our estimations and information acquired from locals, there are approximately 150 madarsas operating within 15 kilometres of the border in UP's Balrampur district alone.

Several recent ground reports by OpIndia have shown that demography is changing rapidly along India’s border with Nepal. The number of mosques and madarsas is rapidly increasing in the area. From August 20 to 27, 2022, an OpIndia team visited several areas in Nepal bordering India to observe the ground situation. What follows here is the seventeenth report of the series of reports documenting the facts noticed by the OpIndia team.

In prior reports, we discussed what locals think about the mosques, Islamic shrines and places of worship spread along the highways leading from Balrampur to Barhni and Jarwa along the open international border running between India and Nepal. We also reported how the authorities have sprung into action after the exclusive reportage by OpIndia along the UP-Nepal border.

In this report, we attempted to determine whether the Muslim population is expanding solely in areas along the border or whether it is also affecting villages further away from the border. We went to the Sadullahnagar police station region of the Balrampur district in pursuit of this. If you follow the shortest route, this market will be roughly 60 kilometres from the Nepal border. We noticed that the majority of the shops in this market are owned by Muslims. However, we sought to identify the demography of settlements in this area.

Several Muslim-dominated settlements within the jurisdiction of the same police station

The OpIndia team acquired information regarding the Hindu-Muslim population in the villages surrounding the Sadullahnagar police station. According to our research, a village in Nevada under the Sadullahnagar police station has a Muslim population of 95%. Also, the Muslim population in two villages, Deoria Adam and Edaha, ranged from 80% to 90%. The Muslim population was estimated to be between 70% and 80% in villages such as Lalpur Bhaluhia, Bholia Madanpur, Reki Badalpur, and Deoria Adampur. The percentage of Muslims in villages like as Kharika, Alauddinpur, Ranipur, and Bhanuwagarh was between 60% and 70%.

Aside from this, the Muslim population ranges from 50% to 60% in four other villages: Achalpur, Deoria Inayat, Rampur Bharana, Bhundamafi, and Chitsupur. Laukia, Hasanpur, Kishunpur, Parshurampur, and a few smaller villages have a Muslim population of 40% to 50%. Apart from that, the Muslim population in dozens of villages such as Mubarakpur and Nayanpur Kuber ranges between 30 and 40 percent. Some additional villages have a Muslim population of 20 to 30%, but their numbers are significantly smaller.

Utraula Bazar is also predominantly Muslim

Apart from the aforementioned villages, the Muslim population of Utraula Bazar also greatly outnumbers the Hindu populace found there. In the nearby village of Gaindas Bujurg, the Hindu population is much lower than the Muslim population. Shivraj, a Dalit local living in a nearby slum, told OpIndia that his neighbour Naeem used to fight with him every day to acquire his piece of land. “After the Yogi Adityanath-led BJP administration took power in Uttar Pradesh, a police officer named KK resolved this long-standing issue, and we now feel safe and secure,” said Shivraj.

Notably, in August 2020, a resident of this Utraula market named Abu Yusuf was detained by the Delhi Police Special Cell. It was then established that Abu Yusuf had ties to Afghanistan and adhered to the jihadist ISIS ideology.

More than 100 Mosques and Madarsas within a 15-kilometre radius of Nepal border

The OpIndia team attempted to assess the number of mosques and madarsas within a 15-kilometre radius on the Indian side of the border, using Nepal’s border as the centre. According to our estimations and information acquired from locals, there are approximately 150 madarsas operating within 15 kilometres of the border in Uttar Pradesh’s Balrampur district alone.

Aside from that, there are about 200 mosques in a radius of 15 kilometres on the Nepal side of the border area.

Besides, there are roughly ten places where madarsas are operating within the mosque itself.

This figure, however, does not include the Mazars/Karbalas, the number of which is estimated to be in the hundreds. Notably, OpIndia collected this data through their own efforts and sources. The overall number of shrines and madarsas may, however, differ slightly from the figure mentioned here.

A creeping Islamisation of Nepal and its border areas appears to be underway, with Islamists steadily establishing their foothold in distant villages, including those on the Indian border. In the first four parts of this series, OpIndia documented the demography change ongoing in Nepal, as well as the worrying surge in the number of mosques and madarsas in the Himalayan nation’s border villages. Additionally, we also spoke about the rising incidents of love jihad in Nepal, as well as its Delhi connection and smuggling, and various other notorious activities that are going on along India’s border with Nepal.

The first report in this series can be read here in Hindi: कभी था हिंदू बहुल गाँव, अब स्वस्तिक चिह्न वाले घर पर 786 का निशान: भारत के उस पार भी डेमोग्राफी चेंज, नेपाल में घुसते ही मस्जिद, मदरसा और इस्लाम – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Demographic change hits other side of the border too, Mosques and Madarasas mushroom in former Hindu dominated areas in Nepal: Ground report

The second report in this series can be read here in Hindi:  घरों पर चाँद-तारे वाले हरे झंडे, मस्जिद-मदरसे, कारोबार में भी दखल: मुस्लिम आबादी बढ़ने के साथ ही नेपाल में कपिलवस्तु के ‘कृष्णा नगर’ पर गाढ़ा हुआ इस्लामी रंग – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Islamic flags flying atop houses and mosques, madarsas influencing businesses: The creeping Islamisation of Nepal’s Krishnanagar

The third report in this series can be read here in Hindi:  नेपाल में लव जिहाद: बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी और नेपाली लड़कियों से निकाह के खेल में ‘दिल्ली कनेक्शन’, तस्कर-गिरोह भारतीय सीमा पर खतरा – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Rising cases of love jihad in Nepal and its Delhi connection, smuggling plaguing India’s border with Nepal: Ground report

The fourth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: बौद्ध आस्था के केंद्र हों या तालाब… हर जगह मजार: श्रावस्ती में घरों की छत पर लहरा रहे इस्लामी झंडे, OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Steady rise in mazars and madarsas adjoining Buddhist places of worship in UP’s Shravasti near Indo-Nepal border: Ground report

The fifth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: महाराणा प्रताप के साथ लड़ी थारू जनजाति बहुल गाँव में 3 मस्जिद, 1 मदरसा: भारत-नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी का ये है ‘पैटर्न’ – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Rising number of mosques, madarsa along Indo-Nepal border: Ground report on Islamisation of village of Tharu tribe that fought along Maharana Pratap

The sixth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: बौद्ध-जैन मंदिरों के बीच दरगाह बनाई, जिस मजार को पुलिस ने किया ध्वस्त… वो फिर चकमकाई: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Dargah and mazar built around Buddhist and Jain temple premises, illegal mazar once demolished surfaces again: UP’s Shravasti near Nepal border

The seventh report in this series can be read here in Hindi: हनुमान गढ़ी की जमीन पर कब्जा, झारखंडी मंदिर सरोवर में ताजिया: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी, असर UP के बलरामपुर में – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Muslim encroachment of temple land, Karbala built in temple compound, and more: Ground report on Islamisation underway along the UP-Nepal border

The eight report in this series can he read here in Hindi: पुरातत्व विभाग से संरक्षित जो जगह, वहाँ वक्फ की दरगाह-मजार: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी, मुसीबत में बौद्ध धर्मस्थल – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Mazars built at places protected by Archaeological Department along India-Nepal border, Buddhist shrines in trouble- OpIndia Ground Report

The ninth report in this series can he read here in Hindi: 2 मीनारों वाली मस्जिदें लोकल, 1 मीनार वाली अरबी पैसे से… लगभग हर गाँव में मदरसे: नेपाल बॉर्डर के मौलाना ने बताया इसमें कमीशन का खेल – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read in English here: Mosque with two minarets funded locally, another one funded by Saudi Arabia, Maulana at Nepal border speaks about construction mafia, foreign fundings and more

The tenth report in this series can he read here in Hindi: SSB बेस कैंप हो या सड़क, गाँव हो या खेत-सुनसान… हर जगह मस्जिद-मदरसे-मजार: UP के बलरामपुर से नेपाल के जरवा बॉर्डर तक OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read in English here: From SSB base camp to deserted fields, Madarsas and Mazars cropping up everywhere between UP’s Balrampur and Jarwa border in Nepal: Ground Report

The eleventh report in this series can be read here in Hindi: हिंदू बच्चों का खतना, मंदिर में शादी के बाद लव जिहाद और आबादी असंतुलन के साथ बढ़ते पॉक्सो मामले: नेपाल बॉर्डर पर बलरामपुर जिले में OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Circumcision of Hindu children, love jihad, increased POCSO cases and more: Ground report from UP’s Balrampur district along Indo-Nepal border

The twelfth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: गाँवों में अरबी-उर्दू लिखे हुए नल, UAE के नाम की मुहर: ज्यादा दाम देकर जमीनें खरीद रहे नेपाली मुस्लिम – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Muslims buying Hindu land at higher price, building ‘Saudi-style’ mosques, installations with details inscribed in Urdu and Arabic- Ground report from UP-Nepal border areas

The thirteenth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: नए बने ओवरब्रिज के नीचे मज़ार-कर्बला, सड़क किनारे मस्जिद-मदरसे-दरगाह: नेपाल के बढ़नी बॉर्डर हाइवे पर ‘हरा रंग’ हावी – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Mazar-Karbala emerge under newly constructed overbridges, ‘green’ colour pervasive throughout Barhni highway along Indo-Nepal border: Ground report

The fourteenth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: ‘4 और 14 वाली नीति से एकतरफा बढ़ रही आबादी… उस गाँव में मस्जिद बनाने की कोशिश, जहाँ नहीं एक भी मुस्लिम’ : UP-नेपाल बॉर्डर से OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Saudi-returned Muslims of the new generation do not want to live in harmony with Hindus’: Ground report from Indo-Nepal border

The fifteenth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: फ़ारसी में ‘गरीब नवाज स्कूल’ का बोर्ड, उस पर बने चाँद-तारे… घरों-दुकानों में लहरा रहे इस्लामी झंडे, सड़क से सटी हुई मजारें: UP-नेपाल बॉर्डर से OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Signboards on Mazar in Persian, Islamic flags and symbols on almost every house, shop, and commercial establishment: Ground report from UP-Nepal border

The sixteenth report in this series can be read here: ’10 km में 20 गाँव मुस्लिम बहुल, हिन्दू दब कर मनाते हैं अपने त्योहार’: नेपाल सीमा के ग्राम प्रधान ने बताया – गरीब दिखने वाले मुस्लिमों के पास भी बहुत पैसे: UP-नेपाल बॉर्डर से OpIndia Ground Report

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