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OpIndia Impact: Security enhanced in border areas, Madrasas examined; authorities back in action after exclusive ground reportage on UP-Nepal border

OpIndia released the first news in the series on September 3, 2022, with the hashtag #NepalUPBorderIslamisation. Following the broadcast of this news, numerous other media organisations began publishing news about the Nepal frontier.

OpIndia has published a series of several ground reports on the growing Muslim population on the Nepal-India border and the difficulties that arise as a result. The rapid Islamisation of these districts concerns not just national security but also has ramifications on the lives of Hindus living there. Many of these complaints have since been taken seriously by the government and administration, and action has been ordered.

The intent behind madrasas in Shravasti to be examined

On September 6, 2022, Opindia reported increased Islamic activity in the Shravasti district of UP. We not only highlighted the rising Mazars and dargahs around Buddhist and Jain temples in the report, but we also included information on Mazars and madrasas in other parts of the Shravasti district.

According to recent media reports, the Shravasti district administration has now decided to investigate the ‘motive’ behind the madrasas established in the district. The District Minorities Officer has made this notification. The SDM, BSA, and the District Minority Officer are also part of the team formed to survey these madrasas.

Separate reports were published on September 8 and September 10, 2022, in the Shravasti district, detailing the increasing Mazars, dargahs, and developments taking place in the district. Following the publication of these reports, the Shravasti Police visited the areas bordering Indo-Nepal on September 16, 2022. The police have described it as a patrol conducted in the interest of law and order.

Investigation of Madrasas on the Sonauli border

A team examining madrasas arrived at Madrasa Arabiya Ahle Sunnat Misbahul Uloom of hamlet Sukrauli near Sonauli region of Maharajganj district on the Indo-Nepal border, according to media sources. They examined the educational quality, discovering that several subjects were not taught and the youngsters studying were performing below the average level.

Increase in Police patrolling along the entire Nepal border including the Jarwa border

OpIndia’s report number 10 from September 12, 2022, highlighted the Jarawa border with Nepal in the Balrampur area. The mosques, Mazars, and madrasas of several locations encountered along the route from Balrampur to Jarwa were documented in this report.

On September 13, 2022, the day after our report was released, the Balrampur Police and the Paramilitary SSB patrolled the Jarwa border together. This information was posted by Balrampur Police through their official Twitter handle.

In addition, OpIndia published other reports on various days on Islamic activities in the Balrampur district. Following the publishing of these reports, the Balrampur Police and the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) had a special meeting to discuss the issue of vigilance near the Nepal border on September 14, 2022.

Protection to Hindu priest battling illegal occupants

The seventh report in the series was published on September 9, 2022. Along with the illegal occupation of Hindu temples, the protection of Mahant Mahendra Das Ji Maharaj of Hanuman Garhi was discussed in this report. Taking note of this news, Balrampur Police stated that any court order will be obeyed in the region. In addition, the police confirmed that if any deserving person requests security, it will be provided.

Increased Police vigil on Siddharthnagar Border

OpIndia reported in a news initially published in Hindi on 5 September 2022 that various criminals and smugglers had been apprehended on the Siddharthnagar-Nepal border from time to time. This analysis also revealed which sorts of smugglers are attempting to capitalise on the slightest possibility.

According to the most recent information, Siddharthnagar Police, in collaboration with the SSB, has boosted vigilance near the Nepal border. Under ‘Operation Kavach,’ Siddharthnagar Police, in coordination with the SSB, is keeping surveillance on the borders.

Not just in these districts, but also in districts bordering Nepal, such as Pilibhit, Lakhimpur, and Maharajganj, the police have boosted patrols and watch on the borders.

Other media agencies on ground in the area

OpIndia released the first news in the series on September 3, 2022, with the hashtag #NepalUPBorderIslamisation. Following the broadcast of this news, numerous other media organisations began publishing news about the Nepal frontier. Some media outlets have also dispatched correspondents, who are now providing ground updates from the site.

The first report in this series can be read here in Hindi: कभी था हिंदू बहुल गाँव, अब स्वस्तिक चिह्न वाले घर पर 786 का निशान: भारत के उस पार भी डेमोग्राफी चेंज, नेपाल में घुसते ही मस्जिद, मदरसा और इस्लाम – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Demographic change hits other side of the border too, Mosques and Madarasas mushroom in former Hindu dominated areas in Nepal: Ground report

The second report in this series can be read here in Hindi:  घरों पर चाँद-तारे वाले हरे झंडे, मस्जिद-मदरसे, कारोबार में भी दखल: मुस्लिम आबादी बढ़ने के साथ ही नेपाल में कपिलवस्तु के ‘कृष्णा नगर’ पर गाढ़ा हुआ इस्लामी रंग – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Islamic flags flying atop houses and mosques, madarsas influencing businesses: The creeping Islamisation of Nepal’s Krishnanagar

The third report in this series can be read here in Hindi:  नेपाल में लव जिहाद: बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी और नेपाली लड़कियों से निकाह के खेल में ‘दिल्ली कनेक्शन’, तस्कर-गिरोह भारतीय सीमा पर खतरा – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Rising cases of love jihad in Nepal and its Delhi connection, smuggling plaguing India’s border with Nepal: Ground report

The fourth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: बौद्ध आस्था के केंद्र हों या तालाब… हर जगह मजार: श्रावस्ती में घरों की छत पर लहरा रहे इस्लामी झंडे, OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Steady rise in mazars and madarsas adjoining Buddhist places of worship in UP’s Shravasti near Indo-Nepal border: Ground report

The fifth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: महाराणा प्रताप के साथ लड़ी थारू जनजाति बहुल गाँव में 3 मस्जिद, 1 मदरसा: भारत-नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी का ये है ‘पैटर्न’ – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Rising number of mosques, madarsa along Indo-Nepal border: Ground report on Islamisation of village of Tharu tribe that fought along Maharana Pratap

The sixth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: बौद्ध-जैन मंदिरों के बीच दरगाह बनाई, जिस मजार को पुलिस ने किया ध्वस्त… वो फिर चकमकाई: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Dargah and mazar built around Buddhist and Jain temple premises, illegal mazar once demolished surfaces again: UP’s Shravasti near Nepal border

The seventh report in this series can be read here in Hindi: हनुमान गढ़ी की जमीन पर कब्जा, झारखंडी मंदिर सरोवर में ताजिया: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी, असर UP के बलरामपुर में – OpIndia Ground Report

The same report can be read here in English: Muslim encroachment of temple land, Karbala built in temple compound, and more: Ground report on Islamisation underway along the UP-Nepal border

The eight report in this series can he read here in Hindi: पुरातत्व विभाग से संरक्षित जो जगह, वहाँ वक्फ की दरगाह-मजार: नेपाल सीमा पर बढ़ती मुस्लिम आबादी, मुसीबत में बौद्ध धर्मस्थल – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Mazars built at places protected by Archaeological Department along India-Nepal border, Buddhist shrines in trouble- OpIndia Ground Report

The ninth report in this series can he read here in Hindi: 2 मीनारों वाली मस्जिदें लोकल, 1 मीनार वाली अरबी पैसे से… लगभग हर गाँव में मदरसे: नेपाल बॉर्डर के मौलाना ने बताया इसमें कमीशन का खेल – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read in English here: Mosque with two minarets funded locally, another one funded by Saudi Arabia, Maulana at Nepal border speaks about construction mafia, foreign fundings and more

The tenth report in this series can he read here in Hindi: SSB बेस कैंप हो या सड़क, गाँव हो या खेत-सुनसान… हर जगह मस्जिद-मदरसे-मजार: UP के बलरामपुर से नेपाल के जरवा बॉर्डर तक OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read in English here: From SSB base camp to deserted fields, Madarsas and Mazars cropping up everywhere between UP’s Balrampur and Jarwa border in Nepal: Ground Report

The eleventh report in this series can be read here in Hindi: हिंदू बच्चों का खतना, मंदिर में शादी के बाद लव जिहाद और आबादी असंतुलन के साथ बढ़ते पॉक्सो मामले: नेपाल बॉर्डर पर बलरामपुर जिले में OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Circumcision of Hindu children, love jihad, increased POCSO cases and more: Ground report from UP’s Balrampur district along Indo-Nepal border

The twelfth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: गाँवों में अरबी-उर्दू लिखे हुए नल, UAE के नाम की मुहर: ज्यादा दाम देकर जमीनें खरीद रहे नेपाली मुस्लिम – OpIndia Ground Report

The same can be read here in English: Muslims buying Hindu land at higher price, building ‘Saudi-style’ mosques, installations with details inscribed in Urdu and Arabic- Ground report from UP-Nepal border areas

The thirteenth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: नए बने ओवरब्रिज के नीचे मज़ार-कर्बला, सड़क किनारे मस्जिद-मदरसे-दरगाह: नेपाल के बढ़नी बॉर्डर हाइवे पर ‘हरा रंग’ हावी – OpIndia Ground Report

The fourteenth report in this series can be read here in Hindi: ‘4 और 14 वाली नीति से एकतरफा बढ़ रही आबादी… उस गाँव में मस्जिद बनाने की कोशिश, जहाँ नहीं एक भी मुस्लिम’ : UP-नेपाल बॉर्डर से OpIndia Ground Report

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