Saturday, July 27, 2024


Biased Journalism

Gems of BBC: Twitter user collates headlines of BBC news which range from ‘Sanatani way of peeing’ to ‘why men wear dirty underwear’

The national broadcaster of United Kingdom, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), which is being peddled as gold standard of journalism by Modi haters has indeed done some 'groundbreaking investigative' journalism like finding out why men wear dirty underwear.

How Western Media like Reuters, WaPo and Guardian ignored facts to peddle the ‘caste hierarchy’ narrative while covering Lakhimpur Kheri case

The Western media did an exclusive and biased coverage of the rape and murder of two Dalit girls in Lakhimpur, UP.

Journalist with bylines in The Wire and HW News, who tried to fan violence in Tripura, now seen trying to use Indian students in...

On November 13 last year, the Tripura Police had detained Samriddhi K Sakunia for publishing fake news, with the intent to spread communal violence.

Research paper by leading journalism institute shows how Western media uses half-truths and racist colonial biases against India

The western media is laying bricks to manufacture negativity and hatred in India and then leverage that for their own benefit.

Do positive stories, get advertisement: Video shows Mamata Banerjee luring journalists with taxpayer money, asks them to send a copy of paper to DM

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was heard directing a journalist to fall in line in exchange for government advertisements.

BBC shuts down senior academic when she talks about how Pakistan has harboured and nurtured terrorists

"You are doing their propaganda work," Christine Fair commented before being cut off by the BBC presenter Philippa Thomas

India’s vaccination program: Why the BBC is a bunch of petty losers

Cherry picking, selective reporting and insatiable hunger to insult and mock India is what makes the writers at BBC losers in the truest sense of word.

‘Charampanthi nahin aatankwadi’: Netizens correct BBC for watering down terror attack

BBC referred to the terrorists who killed the former SPO of J&K and his wife in a terror attack on Sunday evening as 'charampanthi' (extremist)

‘Neutral’ The Quint publishes video promoting Congress’ work during Covid ‘coincidentally’ just day before Rahul Gandhi wants his party to help in pandemic

Quint sets ground for Rahul Gandhi to come and take moral credit for Youth Congress' efforts amid coronavirus pandemic.

Anti-India bias in reporting on Indian economy is destroying the credibility of the New York Times (and others)

Despite global media houses claiming doom in economy of India, investors continue to show confidence on the country

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