Saturday, July 27, 2024



Noida: Mohammad Saud brutally stabbed his landlord Sachin Awana for asking him not to abuse other tenants, threatened to kill his uncle, arrested

A tenant identified as Mohammad Saud originally from Bihar stabbed his landlord Sachin Awana with a knife in Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Karnataka: Zeeshan, Mubarak and two others stabbed Susheel in Shivamogga for asking a 16-year-old not to perform bicycle stunts on road

The victim suffered stab wounds in his chest and abdomen after he was viciously attacked by the four Muslim youths.

Delhi shocker: Armaan, Shaid and three others arrested for murdering a man over Rs 2,000; had stabbed the victim over 25 times

Gaurav Singh, a resident of Delhi's Gautampuri, was mercilessly stabbed to death by Armaan, Shaid, and three others over Rs 2,000.

We will kill you: Zeeshan, Abujar, Nasir and others assault, throw caste slurs at a Dalit youth in Lucknow, try to stab him

Dalit man named Akash Kumar endured case insults and assault at the hands of Zeeshan, Abujar, Nasir and others in Lucknow

Kerala: Naushad tortures ‘friend’ Reshma, slits her throat and kills her because she ‘made fun’ of him in front of another friend

The Kerala police revealed that the accused Naushad confessed to killing his 'friend' Reshma because she apparently 'poked fun' at his physical appearance in front of another friend and insulted him when he refused to get into a live-in relationship with her

Shut hospitals if doctors can’t be protected: Kerala HC slams state govt and police for murder of Vandana, stabbed while treating accused in police...

The Kerala High Court came down hard on the Pinarayi Vijayan-led state government and the police for the killing of a 23-year-old Dr Vandana

Kerala: 23-year-old female doctor stabbed to death by a man in custody brought to a hospital for a checkup

A woman doctor at a govt hospital in Kerala’s Kollam was stabbed to death by a man in custody brought for a checkup.

UK: Riaz and Hassan convicted for killing a Muslim man outside a Hindu temple

The duo stabbed the victim Mohammed Rafaqit Kayani on August 30 last year in the car park outside a Hindu temple in Keel Drive in Slough.

Delhi: ‘We Killed him, pick up the body’, Aalam, Bilal, and Faizan tell Sunder Nagari locals after killing Manish by stabbing him 60 times

Manish was killed because he was testifying in court against Qasim and Mohsin who snatched his mobile phone and stabbed him one year ago.

US: Hindu man Bharatbhai Patel, an Uber Eats delivery executive, stabbed multiple times in New York, ‘nobody helped’, he says

Bharatbhai Patel lamented that none came to his help, although 3 people were in his vicinity. He was left to fend for himself.

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