Senior Aaj Tak journalist Rohit Sardana passed away on Friday after testing positive for the Coronavirus. He suffered a heart attack early morning. Since the news of his untimely demise broke out, condolences have been pouring in from all ends of the political spectrum.
Barring one. Islamists on social media are celebrating the death of the journalist and hurling the worst kind of abuses at him. Some of them even have verified accounts on Twitter.
Newslaundry columnist Sharjeel Usmani called him a ‘pathological liar’ and ‘genocide enabler’ and said that Rohit Sardana shall not be remembered as a journalist.

Mohammad Ibrar, who is a correspondent for Times of India as per his Twitter profile, said, “Death doesn’t absolve crimes.” According to him, Sardana’s “misdeeds” should be highlighted while offering condolence.

BrumbyOz, an Islamist account which has great following among liberal sections of Twitter, called Rohit Sardana ‘Godi media’.

Another such account with the username @deepsealioness justified people celebrating his death.

Zainab Sikander, columnist at Shekhar Gupta’s The Print, was less tactless than the rest but she did allowed herself the opportunity to shower ‘laanat’ upon Rohit Sardana without naming him explicitly.

Indian Express journalist Anya Shankar expressed her displeasure at the ‘whitewashing abhiyan’ that had begun, taking a swipe at the messages of condolence pouring over Rohit Sardana.

Congress party’s ‘youth icon’ from Alwar, as per his Twitter profile, felt jubilant over his death as well.

Apart from them, there were numerous others who posted celebratory messages about the journalist’s death. Some communists joined the fray as well.

‘Godi media’ was a popular theme among such people.

There are those that are calling him Rohit ‘Dangana’.

Some Islamists are unable to contain there glee at his demise.

Then there are those who have restricted themselves to giving ‘laugh’ react on Facebook posts.
Shameless Peaceful People 😠😠#RohitSardana
— Aayush Dubey (@ModifiedAayush) April 30, 2021
But comments on Twitter are dime a dozen.
Comments of some people on #RohitSardana’s death. Most have one thing in common.
— Harshil હર્ષિલ (@MehHarshil) April 30, 2021
Rohit Sardana was renowned for his straightforward manner of reporting and not hesitating to speak truth to power. He did not permit himself to be constrained by the bounds of political correctness and was loved by people for it.