Wednesday, November 6, 2024



AAI to introduce seaplane services in Assam to boost tourism and connectivity, three locations selected

Government has renewed the initiative to start seaplane services in the country with the launch in Assam

Can a pilot press a wrong button in the panel causing the plane to crash?

Indian Airlines' Flight 605 was a scheduled domestic flight from Mumbai to Bengaluru on 14th February 1990 when it crashed.

As Jet Airways crisis worsens, Civil Aviation Minister orders emergency meeting on flight safety and grounding of planes

Civil Aviation Minister has ordered an emergency meeting on flight groundings, advance bookings, cancellation, refunds and safety issues of Jet Airways

Scare in the Air – Air India flies aircraft with fractured fuselage

On 12th October, a Trichy-Dubai flight hit a wall while taking off, pilots didn't realise the damage for good two hours

Read how the Civil Aviation Policy has been instrumental in giving a boost to the sector

The Civil Aviation Policy implemented by the government in 2016 has given a major boost to the airline industry.

Can you tell if this aeroplane is landing or taking off? Here are the hints in the picture

Next time you fly out, grab a window seat and watch these amazing aerodynamics

Enquiry contradicts Congress’ conspiracy theories, rejects sabotage of Rahul Gandhi’s flight: The Hindu

A discreet inquiry by intelligence agencies has revealed it as per a Hindu Report

Congress peddles wild conspiracy theories about Rahul’s flight malfunction, but some things don’t add up

Is the Congress getting inspired by Mamata Banerjee after imitating Kejriwal?

Hijack scare: Jet Airways diverts Mum-Del flight to A’bad, finally leaves for Delhi at 11 am

After a night long ordeal, the flight took off at 11 am from Ahmedabad

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