Rahul Kanwal, a senior journalist from India Today shared fake news early morning on 26th December that his channel was going to run an episode that exposed the “ugly reality of India”. He claimed that their report showed that Dalits are not allowed in several of the biggest temples in India, including Gorakhnath Temple in Gorakhpur.
Powerful expose tonight. Watch how #DalitsNotAllowed in some of India’s biggest temples, including at the Gorakhnath Mandir in Gorakhpur. Ugly reality of India exposed. Wooed for votes, but ostracised in reality. Investigation by SIT. Unmissable. 7 pm @IndiaToday 9 pm on @aajtak pic.twitter.com/e5kL90fHnR
— Rahul Kanwal (@rahulkanwal) December 26, 2018
Gorakhnath Temple is incidentally the temple belonging to the Nath sampraday, of which, Yogi Adityanath, the CM of Uttar Pradesh is the Mahant.
Several times it has been reiterated, even by the Mahant of Gorakhnath, that even Muslims hold the faith of Gorakhnath very close to their heart. However, this claim by Rahul Kanwal left many people in shock.
No sooner had Rahul Kanwal tweeted did the reactions to this report, which has not been telecast yet, started pouting in. Abhinav Prakash, a Dalit himself instantly rubbished Rahul Kanwal’s assertions. He said that he himself has been to Gorakhnath Temple in Gorakhpur along with many Dalits.
What nonsense? Have been there and know so many #Dalits who have gone to Gorakhnath temple in Gorakhpur!! https://t.co/ChjiDzEMwY
— Abhinav Prakash (@Abhina_Prakash) December 26, 2018
A Twitter user called Vikas Pandey then tweeted that another netizen, Gaurav Kumar was on his way to Gorakhnath to take sound bites from devotees there to debunk this motivated campaign by India Today and Rahul Kanwal. He said that Gaurav would be interviewing several people who belong to SC/ST and have been living and working inside temple premises.
I just spoke with @Gaurav737gkp who has sweet shop inside Gorakhnath Mandir. He is going to take interview of SC/ST people who have been ‘living and working’ inside temple premise since decades! High time we expose @rahulkanwal who says dalits are not allowed! @myogiadityanath https://t.co/mNOhOpFG0U
— Vikas Pandey (@MODIfiedVikas) December 26, 2018
Soon enough, Gaurav tweeted three videos with the statements from people who have been living and working in Gorakhpur.
Gaurav tweeted the video of one Dalit worker of the temple who lives and works within the Gorakhnath temple premises. He said that he has been working in Gorakhnath Temple since 1964 and allegations that Dalits are not allowed inside Gorakhnath Temple is rubbish.
He said that there has been no discrimination of any sort with him as a Dalit in all these years in Gorakhnath Temple and that he has worked and lived there with dignity. He said till date, he has been treated well and that he is extremely attached to Gorakhnath.
@MODIfiedVikas @rahulkanwal
मंदिर के एक और दलित कर्मचारी का बयान।
ये भी मंदिर में काफी समय से कार्यरत है।
सुनिय और खुद फैसला करे सही और गलत में। pic.twitter.com/wQwh54ShKu— Gaurav Kumar (@Gaurav737gkp) December 26, 2018
Another gentleman who was interviewed said that he himself is connected to the Dalit community and in Gorakhnath nobody ever asks a devotee his caste or religion. Everyone is free to visit and he himself has been going to the Gorakhnath Temple for the past few years. When asked why Rahul Kanwal would assert that Dalits are discriminated against at Gorakhnath, he said that he might have a policial agenda to make such wild claims.
@MODIfiedVikas @rahulkanwal मंदिर में आये हुए एक दर्शनार्थी से हुई बातचीत।। pic.twitter.com/mqnGvH5AMR
— Gaurav Kumar (@Gaurav737gkp) December 26, 2018
A third video was also tweeted by Gaurav Kumar. A worker of Gorakhnath Temple called Shravan invited Rahul Kanwal to visit the temple before making wild accusations.
@MODIfiedVikas @rahulkanwal
मंदिर के गौशाला में काम करने वाले कर्मचारी सरवन का क्या कहना है राहुल कँवल के आरोप पे।।
राहुल कँवल जी को मंदिर आने का न्योता दिया सरवन ने। pic.twitter.com/gY8nQETi6n— Gaurav Kumar (@Gaurav737gkp) December 26, 2018
He said that he has been working at the Gorakhnath temple for a long time and even Muslims and Christians work and live there. He said that a person who works with him within temple premises is a Muslim and nobody has faced any discrimination at Gorakhnath Temple ever.
This is not the first time Rahul Kanwal or India Today have been caught spreading fake news. Earlier, Rahul Kanwal spread fake news about Meerut police filing false cases. India Today too has been caught spreading fake news several times.
With Dalits themselves busting holes in Rahul Kanwal’s propaganda, one is forced to wonder the ultimate goal of such faulty news reports. It is evident that disenchanting Dalits and creating a wedge between Hindus is the end goal of Congress and perhaps, the party is depending on a little help from Media friendlies like Rahul Kanwal and India Today.