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Minor gang-raped, forced conversion to Islam, threats, caste abuse: Details of 11 cases in which UP SIT, formed to probe Love Jihad, found criminality

Shortly afterwards the Uttar Pradesh SIT submitted its report, the leftist media jumped to discredit the phenomena of 'Love Jihad'.

The phenomena of Grooming Jihad (Love Jihad) has been spreading its tentacles over the country, especially in the western fringe of Uttar Pradesh. Recently, Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh saw a spate of cases involving the forced conversions of Hindu women to Islam on the pretext of marriage reported from the city, especially in Kanpur’s Juhi colony. To curb this growing menace, the Kanpur police under the guidance of the Yogi government in Uttar Pradesh formed a special investigating team (SIT), which has been working to probe the allegations of ‘Love Jihad’ and forced conversion in the state.

On November 24, the SIT submitted its report to the Kanpur range inspector general, after probing 14 cases lodged in the police stations across Kanpur district over the last one year. It is pertinent to note that the SIT only picked up 14 cases which were reported by the media in the year. The report was not meant to be a comprehensive list of all cases in the city of Kanpur.

Excerpt from the UP SIT report, formed to probe Love Jihad cases in the city

Shortly afterwards Left media began their attempts to discredit the entire phenomena of ‘Love Jihad’ by misreporting the SIT report. One of the first portals to misreport the SIT finding was Left propaganda portal, The Wire. The Wire claimed that the ‘polarising campaign’ the Uttar Pradesh Govt was trying to carry out in the name of ‘love jihad’ turned out to be a damp squib, as the SIT report it had accessed said that 8 out of the 14 cases were consensual.

The report published by The Wire discrediting the Uttar Pradesh government and the phenomena of Love Jihad

NDTV Hindi also shared the news with a misleading headline claiming that the Uttar Pradesh police have not found the Love Jihad angle in any of the 14 cases it probed.

NDTV Hindi report published on November 24

These claims are, however, untrue. Even the Uttar Pradesh police have gone on record and confirmed that they have found criminality in 11 out of 14 cases.

OpIndia accessed the SIT report and the findings of the report is a scathing indictment of how Muslim men have been subjugating Hindu women. Listed below are the details of the 11 cases probed by the SIT, where criminality was found, but was dismissed by the Left media.

Case 1: Muslim man pretends to be Hindu to trap a 14-year-old girl, rapes the girl, forces to convert to Islam

In the first cases listed in the SIT report, a case was registered in Kanpur’s Naubasta PS against one Fateh Khan who had pretended to be Aryan Mehrotra to trap a 14-year-old Hindu girl in Kanpur’s Gopal Nagar. The incident came to the fore on September 8. According to the SIT report, Fateh Khan alias Aryan Mehrotra (25) was arrested on September 9 and charged under IPC sections 376 and 420 and relevant sections of the POCSO Act.

As per the victim’s complaint, recorded under section 164 of CrPc, Fateh Khan had pretended to be a Hindu to entrap the minor victim and thereafter had raped her on September 6. The Muslim man also beat up the minor girl and threatened her, while raping her, that if she screamed, her parents would also be harmed. The accused was in the possession of two Aadhar cards, one in the name of Fateh Khan and the other in the name of Aryan Mehrotra.

The SIT report also reveals that Fateh Khan pressurised the victim to convert to Islam and got her Aadhar card made in the name of Mariyam Fatima.

OpIndia had reported the case on the 8th of September 2020.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur

Case 2: Muslim man pretended to be a Hindu to trap a minor Hindu girl, brainwash and tried to force her to convert to Islam.

The second cases listed in the SIT report had also been reported in the Police Station in Naubasta, Kanpur. In this case, another Muslim man named Mohammed Ubais aka Babu posed as a Hindu to entrap a 16-year-old minor Hindu girl. In this case, IPC sections 363, 366 and 386 and section 7/8 of the POCSO Act was invoked against the culprit.

On October 15, a complaint was registered against Mohammed Wais aka Babu, in which he was accused was trying to kidnap the minor girl with the help of his sister Mahi Hayat Khan. The accused along with his sister tried to brainwash and pressurise the minor victim to adopt Islam. The girl was rescued by her mother and the accused was sent to jail.

In this case, interestingly, the girl has told the court that the sister of the Muslim man she was talking to called her down from her house and took her to a Mosque. Thereafter, she was told that if she utters three words, she would convert to Islam. When she refused, they were seemingly attempting to kidnap her when she was rescued.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 3: Minor Hindu girl brainwashed to elope with a Muslim man

In the third case probed by the SIT, a Muslim youth named Shahrukh was arrested on September 2, 2020 after the family of a 16-year-old minor Hindu girl had lodged a complaint on July 27 in Naubasta PS alleging that the accused befriended the minor girl, who slowly fell into his trap and agreed to elope with him.

It is interesting that the Left media would find the brainwashing and subjugation of minor girls by Muslim men a ‘consensual relationship’, as The Wire reported. One has to recall the Grooming Gang cases in the UK where Muslim men were accused and convicted of brainwashing minor girls and forcing them to adopt Islam after raping them repeatedly. It is also for this reason that OpIndia had decided to use ‘Grooming Jihad’ as an all-encompassing term rather than using ‘Love Jihad’.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 4: Muslim man kidnapped minor Dalit girl, forced her to convert to Islam, threatened her with consequences if she refused advances

The report on the fourth case probed by the SIT also concludes that one Muslim man named Arif kidnapped a 14-year-old Dalit girl and took her to Azamgarh and then Delhi where he sexually exploited her and tried to convert her to Islam. The victim had said that the accused had threatened her of dire consequences in case she resented or refused his advances.

It is evident from the girl’s statement that Arif and she knew each other. He made her sit in her truck saying that he will drop her, but instead, kidnapped her and took her to different places, raping her, exploiting her and trying to convert her to Islam.

A case against the accused was registered in Kapnpur’s Naubasta PS. He was arrested and IPC sections 363, 366 and section 3(2)5 of the SC/ST Act was invoked.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 5: Muslim man pretended to be a Hindu, married Hindu woman with fake papers

In the next case, a 32-year-old Mukhtar Ahmed faked his identity and introduced himself as Rahul Singh to befriend a 20-year-old Hindu girl in Kanpur’s Naubasta district. The man lured and brainwashed the Hindu girl. Ahmed prepared fake documents and married the girl in court. He had also hidden his first marriage from the victim. A case was registered against the accused under IPC sections 420, 467, 468 and 471 and he was sent to jail.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 6: Muslim man brainwashes, forces Hindu woman to accept Islam, family alleges ‘black magic’ used

On August 27, 2020, a case was registered against Asif Shah alias Nazim, a resident of Jajmau in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The family of 18-year-old Muskaan Tiwari had said in their complaint registered at the Govind Nagar PS that Asif had physically abused Muskaan, threatened and intimidated her to convert into Islam and marry him. 

The family of the girl also accused the Muslim boy and his family of brainwashing Muskaan into embracing Islam with the use of ‘black magic’ and some occult practices. Kanpur police arrested Asif on September 14 and charged him under IPC Section 366. The girl in her statement had confessed that the accused had converted her religion and married her. She also accused him of sexually exploiting her without her consent.

OpIndia had extensively reported the case.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 7: 16-year-old Hindu girl lured to marry Muslim man after she was portrayed as a 19-year-old

Next case has been reported from Kanpur’s Govind Nagar, where a Muslim youth named Sadeeq Ali, son of Sadaam hailing from Kacchi Basti in Govind Nagar, Kanpur was accused of luring and eloping with a Hindu girl who was claimed to be 19-years-old. The complaint against Sadeeq Ali was filed by the victim’s family on December 13, 2019.

In her statement, the victim had claimed that she was an adult and had gone with the accused on her own free will. However, her medical examination revealed that she was 16 -year-old. Accordingly, relevant sections of the POCSO Act was included in the case and the accused was sent to jail.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 8: Muslim man trapped a minor Hindu girl, sexually exploited her and abandoned her

The next case in which the SIT found criminality transpired in July last year in Kanpur’s Babu Purwa district, where a Muslim youth named Salman befriended a 14-year-old minor girl, who eloped with him to Delhi. Salman sexually exploited the minor girl. He later deserted her and returned home. Based on the victim’s family’s missing complaint a case was registered and Salman was nabbed on September 27, 2019, and sent to jail. Along with IPC sections 366 and 367, relevant sections of the POCSO Act were also included in the case against Salman.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 9: Muslim man threatened minor Dalit girl, forcefully converted her to Islam, tortured her

In the next case, the family of a 16-year-old Dalit girl alleged that one Adil Khan, a resident of Kanpur’s Chakeri district, lured the girl and forcefully converted her to Islam. They also accused Adil Khan of forcefully keeping the victim in his house and torturing her. The minor girl in her statement revealed that the Muslim youth forced her to sign some papers. He threatened her with death if she rejected his proposal. He confined her in a room and sexually abused her.

Adil used to also beat up and abuse the minor girl. Based on a complaint lodged by the victim’s family on September 2, 2020, Kanpur police arrested Adil Khan on September 3, 2020. He was sent to jail under IPC sections 363, 366, 295A, 342, 323, 504, 506, section 16/17 pf the POCSO Act and 3(2)5 SC/ST Act.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 10: While elder sister says went with Muslim man ‘consensually’, her Minor sister says she was gang-raped by the Muslim men

The next case was reported from Juhi colony, Kalyanpur in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, where two Shahrukhs were accused of luring two sisters from the Kalyanpur on July 2. The victims were aged 19 and 14. The girls had confessed that they had gone with the accused on their own will and admitted of having physical relations with them.

However, her younger sister, who was only 14 years old, said that she was gang-raped by the Muslim men.

Relevant section of the POCSO Act was included along with IPC sections 376D, 363, 366 and 120B and the accused were sent to jail.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report
Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

Case 11: The tale of two Dalit sisters and 2 Muslim men who were pressurising them

Two Dalit sisters, aged 25 and 22, hailing from Kanpur’s Panki Ratanpur colony, fled with accused Mohd Mohsin Khan and Aamir. They are also residents of Kanpur’s Juhi colony. The complaint stated that Mohsin befriended the elder sister posing as Sameer, and then married her. His friend Aamir became friendly with the younger sister the girl, but the girl realised their game plan and stopped meeting him. She was then threatened with dire consequences if she did not marry Aamir. They also threatened then with dire consequences if they did not convert to Islam.

In the SIT report, it is mentioned that casteist abuses were also hurled at the girls when they were being forced to convert to Islam.

In the statement by the girl, she says that she married Mohsin in a temple and then was living in her own house. They tried to get married in the court, but it did not work out. Thereafter, she was made to sign on a Nikahnamma, but she was not aware of what she was signing on. Thereafter, Sameer’s friend Amir befriended the younger sister and started pressurising her.

The girls’ father approached Inspector General (IG) Kanpur, Mohit Agarwal, who set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT), led by Superintendent of Police south Deepak Bhuker, to probe the matter. A case was also registered at the Panki police station. Mohsin Khan and Aamir were arrested under IPC sections 295A, 386, 504, 506, 507 and section 3(1) of the SC/ST Act and sent to jail.

Relevant excerpt of the UP SIT report on Love Jihad in Kanpur
Relevant excerpt of the SIT report

In all the above 11 cases, the SIT has found certain transgressions based on which the accused have been arrested and sent to jail. Pertinently, out of these 11 cases, in 7 cases the victims are minors. This number includes the case reported from Juhi colony, Kalyanpur in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, where two Shahrukhs were accused of luring two sisters from the Kalyanpur on July 2, since one of the sisters was a minor. Moreover, in 3 of the above cases, the victim belongs to the scheduled caste.

It is interesting to note that Left media thinks that with 7 minor victims, there is no pattern here that is worth reporting on. 7 minor victims were lured and some of them were forced to convert to Islam. One of the victims was also gang-raped by Muslim men. In all of this, portals like The Wire seem to see ‘consent’ as an element that according to them, proves that Grooming Jihad (Love Jihad) does not exist.

It is surprising that despite police confirmation that they have found criminality in 11 out of 14 cases and moreover, the SIT report attesting the police statement, the self-proclaimed “liberals” and the leftist media industry are still trying to prove that the phenomena of Grooming Jihad or Love Jihad is a figment of the right-wing imagination.

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