On May 16, MeToo accused journalist Vinod Dua’s daughter thanked Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri for arranging critical medicine for her mother. Amidst all this, a Vinod Dua started making rounds on social media platforms. He was seen spewing venom against Prime Minister Narendra Modi even when he was hospitalized.
While many believed that the video is recent when he’s currently hospitalised for COVID treatment, it is actually a video from March 2021 which he had published on his verified Facebook page.
Vinod Dua’s hatred doesn’t reduce even when on an ICU bed. pic.twitter.com/ntZ90Gq0vL
— Arnab (@AmabGoswami) May 17, 2021
What did Dua say?
Dua mocked PM Modi for saying that he also took part in protests in favour of Bangladesh and said, “When I heard PM Modi saying he had a role in the independence of Bangladesh, I said to myself, ‘Vinod Dua, leave Pradhan Sewak while you are in hospital. You can talk about him again when you get better.’ I am suffering from a low-grade fever for the last few days. That’s why I am not able to do the Vinod Dua show. Once I get better, I will come back and will do a show on incompetent Pradhan Sewak. Till then, wish me good luck.”
PM Modi did take part in the Bangladesh independence movement
There is ample proof that Prime Minister Narendra Modi took part in Satyagreh for Independence of Bangladesh in August 1971. Reports suggest that he was arrested while doing Satyagraha organized by the Jan Sangh in August 1971 under the leadership of Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee. However, the liberal section of the media could not digest the fact and had mocked PM Modi for “making such claims.”
Vinod Dua’s venomous history
This is not the first time veteran “journalist,” the prominent face of lutyens’ Delhi, had spewed venom against PM Modi, BJP, or followers of PM Modi. In September 2020, he called quarantine centres detention centres and justified attacks on doctors by a particular community. In June 2020, he urged the people of India to take inspiration from the US riots and replicate them in India. In April 2020, he compared police personnel to ‘Jallads.’ Even his daughter is no less. She had called for the death of PM Modi’s followers in an interview and even questioned the past of the woman who accused his father of molestation.