Friday, May 17, 2024
147 Articles by

Nithesh S

Ministry of tourism sponsors a literature festival filled with India and Modi hating figures

There hundreds of dilapidated monuments in India which need attention. It would have been great if the ministry funded rejuvenation and maintenance of these monuments rather than fund a leftist gala event

India’s flawed Palestine policy : Ramallah has never supported India on Kashmir issue

An Indian tax payer has every right to ask the reason for spending money in Palestine if we don't get anything in return

Why is Sri Sri Ravi Shankar negotiating with a cleric who has supported ISIS in the past?

Why Sri Sri Ravishankar, a respected figure is negotiating with a Muslim cleric with extremist views?

Congress party starts a data analytics department in yet another attempt to match BJP on social media

Congress party starts a data analytics department to match BJP on social media

Has Tharoor forgotten the damage done to the constitution by the Congress Party?

Shashi Tharoor clearly needs a lesson in History

Video of Congress social media head asking partymen to create multiple accounts emerges

How genuine was Rahul Gandhi's Social Media 'transformation'

Shashi Tharoor’s understanding of Hinduism is at the same level as a beauty pageant contestant’s understanding of world peace

Shashi Tharoor is now a pawn in reviving the Congress' 'soft Hindutva' strategy

Political correctness will finish Hindus if they don’t learn from the past

Until and unless stark realities are accepted, there will be no possibility of a workable solution

Media reports hype a notice issued by IIT Bombay for safety and health reasons

Yet another manufactured controversy around the premier institute by the media.

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