Monday, June 17, 2024
53966 Articles by

OpIndia Staff

Staff reporter at OpIndia

Varun Gandhi’s alleged Honey-trap, Karma and the UP elections

Sexually explicit pictures of Varun Gandhi with a woman are doing the rounds on WhatsApp.

Is someone at JNU planning Rohith Vemula part 2?

A sinister game is at play on our educational campuses, and it's taking lives.

Good news! Now you can see tweets of a person who has blocked you

A Chrome browser allows logged in Twitter users to see tweets of a person who had blocked the user.

Trolls and journalists make light of terror threat to Arnab Goswami

Jealous journalists and trolls of political parties showed no concern for terror threat that Arnab Goswami reportedly faces.

Anurag Kashyap gets slammed for furthering false anti-Modi narrative on social media

Kashyap's brain-fade on was slammed all over social media

Man thrown out by Arnab was a radical ex-ACP accused of sheltering rioters

It is shocking how our legal system could have such a man

The Hindu blames Hindu groups only for a conference stopped by various groups

A conference of ‘atheists’ was opposed by various political & religious groups, but The Hindu highlighted only ‘Hindutva’.

Man who spread fake story about gau-rakshaks says he did it because he hates Hindus

How the media and the society was fooled by a person’s imaginary story of victimhood.

BJP worker killed in hometown of Kerala CM, who had allegedly supported such killings

Ramith, a BJP worker was killed in Kannur district of Kerala. His father too was killed by communists earlier.

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