Monday, June 17, 2024



Why Rahul Gandhi version 1.5 might cost the Congress dearly

Will Rahul Gandhi shift his ideology to the economic left or will he move to the economic right?

NDTV journalist Sreenivasan Jain dissects Jan Dhan Yojana using Half-Empty understanding

NDTV covers Jan Dhan Yojna based on rumors and absurd statistics and concludes that India must stick to medieval banking systems

Wife of ex-Congress Minister and journalist defames India at an International event

NDTV editors continue to neglect preliminary investigations on Gajendra Singh's suicide case and make it a political tool

Deja Alu: Rahul Gandhi is repeating the same tricks expecting a different result

Rahul Gandhi is trying the same stunts every year expecting a different result

Rahul Gandhi needs to do his homework on Real Estate Bill

Rahul Gandhi's intervention on Real Estate Bill has been too little, too late and uninformed

Users claiming BJP association spread rumors by trending #GodhraAgain, Party must act against those

Twitter was flooded with #GodhraAgain hashtag, which had many misleading information and hateful tweets.

In how many trains must Rahul Gandhi travel, before he is called a man?

The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.

Meet Gajendra Singh – the “farmer” who committed “suicide”

Gajendra Singh, a man who wore many turbans, was a trader, a sarpanch, and an aspiring politician.

Rahul Gandhi finally wakes up to Net Neutrality, and still doesn’t make sense

Rahul Gandhi comes late to the Net Neutrality party, and makes a fool of himself.

The ‘coming of age’ of Rahul Gandhi: 2009 to 2014

Media has spared no effort to see Rahul Gandhi as the crown prince of India

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