Saturday, July 27, 2024


Love Jihad

Love jihad in MP: Shahrukh pretends to be Rohit to trap a Hindu girl, takes help of friend Junaid to pressurise and threaten her...

Shahrukh threatened to modify her pictures and share them online while Junaid threatened to kill her if she didn't convert.

Madhya Pradesh: Mohammed Shabbir poses as Raju, rapes a Hindu girl, forces her to convert to Islam

The woman filed a police complaint after she discovered that the man who had forcefully established sexual relations with her was actually a Muslim. She claimed that the accused lied to her saying that his name was Raju.

Love Jihad in MP: Wasim Khan poses as Sonu to trap a Hindu girl, rapes and records obscene videos to blackmail her to convert

In the Love Jihad case in Madhya Pradesh, the victim suspects that the accused had put some intoxicating substance in her tea. After she lost consciousness, Wasim raped her.

The unending menace of Love Jihad: Sarfaraz rapes a Hindu victim multiple times in Agra; Firoz traps and blackmails a Hindu girl in Jaipur

In the Love Jihad case from Agra, accused raped the victim on the pretext of marriage and pressurised her to convert to Islam.

MP: Shahid posed as Raj to lure a Hindu girl in Indore, did Nikah and later gangraped her along with his friends Nauman, Faisal,...

Shahid posed as a Hindu youth named Raj and began a romantic relationship with her. When she went to Raj's residence with him, the victim learnt the truth about Shahid pretending to be Raj. Shahid then said she was under no obligation to convert to Islam.

Uttar Pradesh: Khalil poses as Anil, rapes, tortures a Hindu woman, forces her to convert to Islam; arrested

The state police arrested one Muslim individual identified as Khalil on 9th June after he cheated and raped a Hindu girl using a fake identity. He introduced himself to the girl as a Hindu named Anil and also forced her to convert her religion to Islam.

UP: Muslim man poses as Rana to trap a Hindu girl, forcefully converts her, feeds her beef during Nikah; presses her to abort baby

The accused's brother also sexually assaulted the victim and she received death threats after complaining about it.

Bareilly: Mohammad Arif traps a Hindu girl from Bihar, converts her to Islam; brother Talib also raped and assaulted her

In her complaint, the victim stated that she is originally from Bihar's Nawada area. She used to work in Delhi where met Mohammad Arif, a resident of Bareilly. After some time, Arif caught the girl in his love trap and brought the woman to his residence in Bareilly's Baheri. During this time, he raped her multiple times and pressurised the victim to convert to Islam around a year ago.

‘Love jihad cases are on the rise’: How Hindu women from West Bengal are trafficked to Bangladesh and converted to Islam

Such cases of forced religious conversion of Hindus remind us of the 1971 war of independence of Bangladesh when several Hindu families had to convert to Islam to save their lives from the extreme notoriety of Pakistani occupation forces.

Uttarakhand: Saif Ali poses as Sukhwinder to trap a Hindu girl, books hotel room with a fake ID; arrested

Haldwani Police interrogated the girl and during interrogation, the Hindu girl found out that the person she came with was not a Hindu man but a Muslim.

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