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HomeGovernment and PolicyNSA Ajit Doval reveals India’s current strategy to counter Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Kashmir:...

NSA Ajit Doval reveals India’s current strategy to counter Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Kashmir: Read details

Doval stated that while the world is already aware of Pakistan’s hand in terror funding, the information needs to be converted into evidence which can then be submitted to FATF.

India’s National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval, while speaking at a conference of anti-terror teams on Monday revealed India’s current strategy to counter Pakistan sponsored terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a report by Hindustan Times, the NSA said that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe into funding of terrorism in the Valley has ‘put the pressure at the right places’ on foreign agencies that are sponsoring terror in the valley.

Doval asserted that in order to effectively counter terrorism, special stress has to be placed on curbing its funding but also stresses that the objective can only be achieved after a meticulous investigation.

Read: Ajit Kumar Doval: The man, the legend and India’s security. A profile

Talking about the two aspects which have been able to exert pressure on the terrorist state, Doval said that it is firstly the NIA crackdown against terror funding in Kashmir and secondly, the global anti-terror financing group – Financial Action Task Force (FATF) action against Pakistan which has put a lot of pressure on Pakistan.

Hailing the NIA terror funding probe for making a tremendous contribution which has led to the arrest of dreaded separatists like Bitta Karate, Asiya Andrabi and Naeem Khan, Ajit Doval warned that Pakistan has mastered the art of supporting terrorism.

He stressed that the anti-terror strategy needs to encompass, “taking away their weapons, cutting their financing and degrading their capabilities”.

The NSA, who was addressing a meeting of the chiefs of the Anti-Terrorism Squads (ATS), advised NIA and other investigative agencies to collect information regarding Pakistan’s nefarious activities and bring it to FATF’s notice. He stated that while the world is already aware of Pakistan’s hand in terror funding, the information needs to be converted into evidence which can then be submitted to FATF.

“Even if we say that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism terrorism, we need evidence. So, don’t destroy the evidence”, said Ajit Doval in his speech on Monday.

Come out with specific guidelines what you need, how you bring greater convergence in the fight against terrorism” he told officers at the event. Doval also told them to stop working in silos, adding that he would have ideally liked a single anti-terror body but since this hadn’t been possible, ATS officers had to play a lead role in the states.

Read: Exclusive story of Christian Michel’s extradition and how the grand plan was implemented by CBI and Ajit Doval

“Perception management is important. We must tell the media what action we are taking. If we don’t, they speculate,” said NSA Ajit Doval.

Doval has time and again reiterated that terror is the only instrument Pakistan has to create unrest in Jammu and Kashmir and that the Indian Army would do everything to protect the lives of Kashmiris from Pakistani terrorists.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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