On Wednesday, the one-month-old daughter of Vasu Rukhar, president of Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party Yuva Morcha (BJYM), was kidnapped in Delhi, and the infant was found after some time in a nearby temple. Now, police are suspecting foul play in the incident, and are questioning the family and their domestic help as it is being suspected that someone from the family was involved in the kidnapping.
While initially it was said that the ‘kidnapped’ child was found at the temple, police now suspect that the kid may have been abandoned. Moreover, the police are also looking at another angle of personal rivalry.
Vasu Rukhar’s daughter was allegedly snatched from her mother’s hands by two bike-borne men on Wednesday when she was visiting a temple near her house in the Jhandewalan area. The mother tried to chase them, but could not. The incident took place in front of the Jhandewalan temple on Rani Jhansi Road.
When informed about the incident, the police launched a search operation. In the meanwhile, they got reports of an abandoned child near Shani Mandir in the Maurice Nagar area. After recovering the abandoned kid outside the Shani temple near Daulat Ram College, around five kilometres from the scene of the kidnapping, police assumed that it is the same child that was kidnapped just an hour ago. Accordingly, the police called Vasu Rukhar’s wife. After seeing the child, she identified the child as her daughter.
“We received two PCR calls on Wednesday about the alleged kidnapping around 5.16 pm-5.21 pm. We sent several police teams to the spot to rescue the child. In the meantime, we received information that an abandoned child was found near Shani Mandir in the Maurice Nagar area. It was the same child. Her mother was called and she identified her. We registered a case of kidnapping and are investigating the matter,” said Deputy Commissioner Of Police (Central) Shweta Chauhan.
The BJYM leader, her father, said that his daughter was kidnapped when his wife and their housekeeper left the Jhandewalan temple at around 4:30 p.m. “Two men wearing helmets and riding a motorcycle snatched the child from my wife’s lap and fled. The registration number plate of his motorcycle was bent and was not visible,” he said. “She was back with us in less than an hour,” he added.
DCP Shweta Chauhan said that the important thing was that within half an hour the Delhi Police found the girl and handed her over to the family. She added that CCTV footages are being scanned to search the accused, and they will be nabbed soon.
Police suspects foul play
Although the authorities initially said that the kidnappers abandoned the girl at the temple, they now believe that she was actually abandoned rather than kidnapped. Police are also investigating the possibility of ‘personal enmity.’ They think someone connected to the house was behind the abduction. In this regard, the Delhi Police are interrogating Rukhar’s family and domestic staff.
“Till now, we have not spotted any bike or suspects in the footage. We also spoke to the locals and have got no information about the kidnappers. We think Rukhar’s family, help or some known person from the house planned the kidnapping. We are questioning the family members. It is also possible that a known person abandoned the child to take revenge for something,” a police officer said.
When questioned about the accusations, Rukhar told The Indian Express that the investigative team has been in touch with him and his family. “I was told that someone from the family or neighbourhood could be involved. I don’t know what happened exactly as I was not there. Maybe someone is involved. Police will see that. We are coordinating with the police investigation. Our child is safe now. We are happy,” he said.