Monday, June 17, 2024



Reactions of Pakistani cricket fans who were eagerly praying for the second “MAUKA” in India vs SA match

Reactions of Pakistani cricket fans on social media were so hilarious that you mustn't miss to read them

The rise of Pro-Pakistan voices in India

People shout "Islam Zindabad, Pakistan zindabad, Hindustan Murdabad" in UP. This raises some serious challenges to our social realities.

I liked the AIB Knockout and yet I am uncomfortable with it

Everyone is loving it, I too loved it, but AIB Knockout had moments that made me uncomfortable.

Aman ki Asha? Try #RapePublicDay

While some of our "intellectuals" are still pining for Aman Ki Asha with Pakistan, Pakistanis on Twitter trend #RapePublicDay to denigrate India on her Republic Day.

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