Monday, June 3, 2024



Sri Lanka terror attack: ISIS claim responsibility, two wealthy Muslim brothers were among the ISIS suicide bombers

Two Muslim brothers from a wealthy family were among the ISIS suicide bombers involved in Sri Lanka terror attack

[Video] Sri Lanka serial blasts: As ISIS claims responsibility CCTV footage of suspect surfaces

The Sri Lankan government had yesterday stated that a domestic terror outfit the National Thowheed Jama'ath is responsible for the attacks.

The face of our ‘liberals’: They wept for Christchurch and rightly so, but where is the outrage on Sri Lanka?

The bomb blasts in Sri Lanka which have killed over 200 people are markedly different from Christchurch shooting of only a month ago.

Sri Lankan PM admits they failed to act on warning, reports suggest India had warned about possible terror attack too

PM Wickremasinghe has also stated that they would need international help to ascertain whether the terrorists had received help from another country.

AltNews co-founder caught shielding Islamists following the Sri Lanka terror attacks

Altnews cofounder seems to have graduated from sharing fake news himself to shielding radical Islamists

Islamists celebrate Sri Lanka attack even as terror sympathisers blame Hindus for the serial blasts

Earlier, many including a journalist associated with NDTV was caught 'celebrating' the Pulwama attack in Kashmir

YouTuber reveals how Muslims were allegedly celebrating as historic Notre-Dame Church was destroyed by fire

Robert Spencer, Director of the Jihad Watch, pointed out many Muslims “believe that the ruins and destruction of non-Muslim structures testify to the truth of Islam.”

Restoring 400 ruined temples in 200 years: Pakistan’s new announcement appears to be another PR stunt to cover up the plight of Hindus

There were 428 Hindu temples at the time of Partition and out of which 408 of them were turned into toy stores, restaurants, government offices, and Madarsas.

ISIS bride reveals murder of a 5-year old Yazidi girl to a German undercover cop

Jennifer and her husband had chained-up a 5-year-old Yazidi girl and left her to die of thirst in the scorching heat.

Canadian Islamic Centre spokesperson refers to Hindu Gods Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu as ‘rapists’

In Canada, Muslim speaker Sanobar Umar accused the ‘Hindu Right’ of being in cahoots with American White Supremacists and then demanded Prime Minister Modi be sent to prison for abandoning his wife. 

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