Monday, June 3, 2024


Jammu and Kashmir

Split in Congress over Article 370 continues, now Salman Khurshid claims Congress too would have aspired to revoke it

Congress leaders Jyotiraditya Scindia, Janardan Dwivedi, and Deepender Hooda have already gone against the party stand applauding the government’s move to abrogate Article 370

Retired Air Marshal of Pakistan shares old mock drill video of Jharkhand police as army firing on Kashmiri protesters

2017 mock drill video shared as police firing on Kashmiri protesters after abrogation of Article 370

Following Pakistan’s decisions, India also cancels Samjhauta express and Delhi-Lahore bus service from its side

These decisions came after Pakistan decided to downgrade bilateral diplomatic ties with India

Congress’ Mani Shankar Aiyar likens Kashmir to Palestine, calls Modi a ‘Zionist trampling on freedom of Kashmiris’

In his 2015 interview to a Pakistani news channel, Aiyar had famously asked for Pakistan's help to 'remove' PM Modi and bring a Congress government to power.

Pakistani journalist spreads lies claiming rift between forces in Kashmir, gets exposed by CRPF and police

Pakistani journalist peddles fake news of a rift between JK police and CRPF personnel, gets exposed out by CRPF and Kashmir police

Pakistan sulking: No traditional exchange of sweets on Eid at Wagah-Attari border between BSF and rangers

After India stripped Article 370 and bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan has taken many steps in frustration that are bound to hurt itself more than India.

Pakistan deploys fighter jets along forward bases in Skardu near Ladakh, India keeping close watch

Pakistani fighter jets have been moved to forward bases in Skardu near the Ladakh border.

Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti get in a nasty fight over BJP, authorities forced to house them separately: Report

Both the minister's had been detained by the Jammu and Kashmir police as a preventive measure on August 5

If Hindus try to settle in Kashmir, they should not be alive for a single moment: Pakistan endorses genocide on live TV

An 'intellectual' from Pakistan endorses genocide of Hindus in Kashmir because India abrogated Article 370

Watch: Eid celebrated peacefully across Jammu and Kashmir even as vested interests continue to fearmonger

Many people, including political leaders, media portals and individuals with vested interests have been indulging in blatant fear-mongering and spreading of misinformation regarding the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

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