In world full of bitterness and hate, it was the outpouring of support and comfort from the ones who know how important words are that made the day of this new author who was bummed after only two people turned up for her author signing event.
Only 2 people came to my author signing yesterday, so I was pretty bummed about it. Especially as 37 people responded "going" to the event. Kind of upset, honestly, and a little embarrassed.
— Chelsea Banning Author (@chelseabwrites) December 4, 2022
First time author Chelsea Banning on Monday took to Twitter to lament that only two people had turned up at her author signing event even though 37 had responded that they would come. She said she was kind of upset and ‘a little embarrassed’. The tweet garnered a lot of attention with support and encouragement pouring from all quarters. Including some of the bestselling authors of our time.
Terry Pratchett and I did a signing in Manhattan for Good Omens that nobody came to at all. So you are two up on us.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) December 5, 2022
Neil Gaiman, award winning author of bestsellers such as American Gods, Stardust and the comic book series The Sandman, said that Terry Pratchett and himself did a signing at Manhattan for Good Omens, a novel written by the two British authors in collaboration, and nobody had come up for it. “So you are two up on us,” he said.
Join the club. I did a signing to which Nobody came, except a guy who wanted to buy some Scotch tape and thought I was the help. 🙂
— Margaret E. Atwood (@MargaretAtwood) December 5, 2022
Margaret Atwood, award winning Canadian author shared how once when she did a signing, nobody had come except for one person who had walked in to buy some Scotch tape and he mistook her for the store help.
At my first SALEM'S LOT signing, I had one customer. A fat kid who said, "Hey bud, do you know where there's some Nazi books?"
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 5, 2022
Adding to more such book signing disasters, author Stephen King, while responding to another author said how once when he was sitting alone for book signing for Salem’s Lot, a ‘fat kid’ came and asked him about ‘Nazi books’. These days, Stephen King and Twitter’s new owner billionaire Elon Musk often spar on the microblogging platform.
I did a signing in Cambridge and only one person showed up. He didn't buy a book; he just wanted to tell someone that he'd had a dream about being a wizard.
— Gareth L Powell (@garethlpowell) December 5, 2022
Science Fiction author Gareth Powell said how once he did a signing in Cambridge and only one person showed up who also wanted to tell someone he had a dream about being a wizard.
Many bestselling authors have had their moments of setbacks. While on topic of wizards, Harry Potter author JK Rowling was rejected 12 times before Barry Cunningham, who ran the children’s literature department at Bloomsbury picked it up.
And while Chelsea is thrilled at the turn of events, it is an absolute delight to see the celebrities come out and share their stories of struggles to comfort a newbie.