Friday, June 7, 2024
53815 Articles by

OpIndia Staff

Staff reporter at OpIndia

Remembering Jayalalithaa

The end of an era in politics. Social media recalled some of her best moments.

Media spins Baba Ramdev’s statement on Mamata Bannerjee

Media does Yoga with Baba Ramdev's statement on Mamata

Shocking: Former Finance Minister Chidambaram makes embarrassing mistake

We trusted this man with the country's finances!

Journalist wrote fake report to prove rapes during Jat agitation, to be prosecuted

The reporter was fired from his job, but he could get a job in another media organisation.

From Indigo Airlines to Indian Army – Mamata Banerjee imagines conspiracies to remove her

Army was carrying out survey of civilian trucks that could be used for contingency measures during wartime, but Didi saw Emergency.

“Hacking” nightmare continues? Now Indian National Congress’ website defaced

Another 'hacking' on yet another digital asset of the Congress party

Aeroplane hovers due to traffic congestion, TMC claims conspiracy to kill Mamata Banerjee

TMC's flights of fancy: A TMC MP raised this issue in Parliament even as Indigo Airlines clarified that it was a normal hovering.

Who hacked Twitter accounts of Congress and Rahul Gandhi? Options are…

Was it some hacker, some disgruntled employee, or was it all a planned drama by the party?

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